Too Good To Be True

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Will i just really die then?..

He finally got off me. I stayed laying where I was in utter shock. This must be it. I can feel the blood tricking down. It hurts so badly. I-I can still breath though! I might have a chance!

I could see him get up and walk in front of me. Quietly, I picked up my head and let the knife slide out of the open pocket in my skin leaving my own blood dripping onto zens white shirt. With everything I had, I stabbed him in the back.. And he fell. Hes never felt pain before.

"S-Screw you.." I muttered with what voice I had as I pulled the knife out of his back where he laid. He didn't dare get up. I wobbled inside though. I dropped the knife while I went but still held the lantern. I want to find Zen now. Maybe I'll get my wish. Maybe this is how I'll forget. Just let me see him one last time. "Z-Zen!.." it wasn't even a yell, it was barely more than a breath of air. I used the wall to take me where I needed, the ball room. I couldnt make it..

"Princess Y/n? Princess! Help!" A soldier screamed when they saw me coming down the hall. The soldier came to me and tried to keep me up. First I saw obi.. Then finally Zen.. Finally.

"M-My wish.." You could barely hear me speak as I watched Zen race to me. I dropped the lantern as I fell into his arms.. "M-My wish.. i-It came true.." I muttered as he tried to put me in his arms.

"No its not, Y/n. I'm not letting you ago again. I'll be damned if you leave me again!.." he told me and was so close to crying.

"Dont cry, m-my love.." I muttered as I gently put my hand on his cheek and stared at him with happy eyes. "I-I can go now.. E-Everyones safe.." I smiled as the tears streamed.

"Youre not!" He shouted tearfully as he took me to the infirmary. Ot was kind of a blur or me. Dad, the king, raji, the twins, aria, Juniper and leon had all some how managed to find me. "You won't go, I won't let you! As soon as you're better I'm taking you home!" He shouted at me.

"I-I am home.. I-Im with.. you.." I muttered as my weak hand fell onto my chest, right over his watch that sat outside of the fabric of my clothes so everyone could see. I stared up at him with all the strength I had. His tears dripped onto my cheeks but I wasn't sad. I was happy. So happy I was finally with Zen again. He will always be the love of my life, I'll always be in his heart and he'll always be in mine.

I was still awake when I got to the pharmacy. Our chief worked his magic to numb the pain first. I just smiled though and looked at Zen. I'm still breathing just find and I was even talking too. Maybe I managed to slide by death once more.

"I-Its just blood.." I muttered to Zen as he held my hand. He had his forehead pressed against mine and couldn't stop crying.

"Ill never let you leave again. I don't care about your responsibilities, you have to stay alive.. I have to be with you.." Zen told me while he cried. "I got your ring and that stupid lantern.. i won't let you forget.."

"I-I tried.. A-... A-An.. and.. Failed.." i smiled and could barely get out the words.

"Princess if you don't stop talking now you may never again" the chief told me as he poured saline in my cut. I took a sharp, painful breath in when I felt the burn.

"Please hang on.. We're gonna go home.." Zen whispered to me as I looked up to his shut eyes so close to me.

"Y/ns gonna die?.." eugena muttered in tears as rona held him tightly.

"Of course not," Raji gave them a smile, "shes much stronger than this."

"Youre right about that. If she can fight with an X in stitches on her back, she can get through a little cut. It's not even deep" Dad tried to help but everyone knows that where this cut is, I could easily die this time.

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