Chapter 4

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'What was that? I remember, that was the day mom took me to that cottage for the first time. But why I am remembering that now? Now to think about it, what was in that cottage? I remembered being scared when I got in, what happened after that...?'

Rose starts to wake up, she opened her eyes, but for some reason it felt...heavier. She tried to move, but something was stopping her, she looked around, darkness, that was all her eyes could see.

Rose took some slow breaths, and looked around again, she could make out few more chairs around her. Ares, who was still unconscious, was on the chair right next to her's.

'That means the other one must be...'

"Mom?" Rose speak with faint voice, whatever she was shot with, still had mild effects on her body.

Rose tried to get up again but soon realized that she was tightly strapped to a chair, 'How can I get out of it?' The chair was also sealed to the floor, so moving it was impossible.

"Ares! Ares! Wake up!"

'Damn it, he isn't waking up, what do I do? what can I do? I can't move the chairs or myself, the straps are made of leather and I am tied from neck down. And there's no light here. What was that?'

Rose stopped her train of thoughts and focused, 'there it is again,' She could hear something, someone walking, it grew louder and louder, and stopped.

'Where is it coming from?' Rose looked around the room trying to see something, anything that could give her an idea of who it was, or what to do.

The lights turned on, most of them were broken or dimed, and all of them were flickering and blacking out and then turning back on again, but in the moments when they worked, they were enough to light room and see past the darkness.

Broken furniture pushed to the corner of the room, broken glass scattered around the floor, and blood wherever your eyes could see, and a man coming closer, 'This doesn't seem good. Is he the one brought us here, he seems... familiar for some reason.'

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP EVERYONE! C'MON, that's right wake up. Sorry for the lights, didn't had time to fix them."

"You.." Jessie said as she wakes up.

"It's been time, hasn't it?" Nate said as the lights went out.

"What the hell? Who are you and why the fuck am I strapped in this chair?!"

"Easy boy, it's better for you to stay silent, you don't wanna know what happens when you anger me, do you?"

"Why are you doing this Nate?"

"Why? Are you serious? Why else I would do this for?"

"mom...who is he?"

"She never told you about me? I am hurt Jess. But, I can't really blame you either, so let me introduce myself to you all, after all, you deserve to know who is the reason of your, demise."

"Can you unstrap me? I swear I won't say a word about whatever you are planning to do with them."

"What did I say? I am on verge on erupting boy, don't test me."

"Where was i? oh yes, my name, is Nathanial Millien, I am Jessie's brother."

"Ofcource you are, as if these two pieces of shit wasn't enough to ruin my life, you just had to step in as well."

"Didn't I said to shut up!" Nate said as he hold Ares's chin up high. "If I heard you speak one more time I will rip away your skin from neck down and put burning Silver on, then melt it while hanging you upside down so it goes right through your nose and into your brain, and if you are lucky it will also go through your eyes, do you understand?"

If the words weren't enough, the calmness in Nate's Face and the innocence that's in the Nate's eyes, which was clearly fake yet so surreal that it made his words even more threatening, Ares, who didn't wanted to take any chances with his life, just nodded. "Good."

"Nate, your hatred is for me, let them go!"

"You are right, I have nothing to do with them, but that's not why they are here, when you betrayed me, it was the worst feeling, that is still the worst pain I have ever felt, I want you to feel the same thing, I want you to beg as I once did to you, break as I once did, that's...why they are here."

"No no no no, please let them go Nate, I am begging you, please let them go! What was that?"


There was a sound, a sound of something falling, while the three had no clue on what's going on, Nate knew who, or what was coming.

Nate took out his gun, and aimed it on the door, Ares wanted to ask what was going on but he stopped himself, he didn't wanted to take any chances. Rose, on the other hand, didn't hesitated.


"I suggest you shut up because you are asking help from something that will probably kill us all."

The lights went out, and back on again, and it went out and back up again as the sound of growling and tossing things aside because more frequent and louder, whatever it was, it was coming closer, the lights went out again.

The sound of someone running and screeching around the room, the sound of gunshot, 5 times, and it's screams was all the other three could hear.

The lights went on again, Nate had his gun in hand, Ares was missing, and the straps on Rose were ripped open.

Rose had no idea when that happened, she didn't heard Ares been taken away since he didn't made a sound, but now wasn't the time to think about that.

Rose got up from the chair and jumped on Nate as he turned making him fall.

She took the fallen gun and shot Nate aiming at his chest, but Nate caught her hand and turned it on his left, missing Jessie just by few inches. Nate forced her hand to aim at Jessie and to shot again, but she struggled and moved her hand as much as she could and shot Nate's Legs.

Nate, threw her aside with his hand and took the Gun, he aimed at her but she already picked up a tray and smacked his head with it, and took the gun again and went to free her mom.

"Watch out!" Jessie said as rose almost finished unstrapping her, Nate came in and took the Gun from Rose just as he did that Jessie jumped on him and tried to take it from him, they struggled for a bit, rose having no other option in front of her and wanting to help her mother, also came in and tried to take it from Nate, or at the very least distract him enough that Jessie could take it from him.

The struggled continued for a bit, Nate kicked Rose away, in which Jessie took the opportunity and pointed the gun at Nate and shot, it hit Nate's ear's.

But it didn't fazed him much and before she could do anything he came in closer to take the gun away, but she didn't let it go, and before long she dropped it, and kicked it away, just near Rose.

She picked up the gun and aimed at Nate, he tried to go near Rose but Jessie didn't let him. Rose was trying to aim at Nate but the struggle between him and Jessie wasn't giving her a clear angle.

Nate threw Jessie, inevitably giving Rose a moment to aim properly, Nate shift his focus to Rose, the moment he looked her in her eyes she already taken the shot.

Rose got up, her hands started to shake as her heart beat got faster, she just killed someone, everything happened so fast by the time her mind caught up she had already shot her mother.

Jessie didn't see Rose aiming, and jumped on him to protect Rose, getting in the way of bullet. It passed through Jessie's neck making a straight hole in it.

Nate looked at Rose and started to move towards her, but the bullet that went through Jessie, hit Nate, right below his neck, "You made... quite a mess, young... lady."

Nate felled to the ground.

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