Chapter 9

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Rose took few steps back as she turned back, she looked at the cell, on the floor was a boy who just crawled outwards to her.


"Listen to me, please..., I"

The boy could barely speak.

"What happened to you? What do you need?"

"water...I need wa.." The boy collapsed.

'is he..Dead?' Rose thought but quickly dismissed it, enough lives are lost today, all by or because of her. She can't handle anyone else dying on her, even if they are strangers.

"Water 'that mean's he didn't had anything to eat for at least few days' but where will I find Water?"

She had not seen any water bottles lying around on L3, she can't say certain for this level as she spent most of her time being chased around.

She didn't knew where to start, 'gather your thoughts rose, you won't find anything otherwise.'

'There's nothing along the line of the cells that's drinkable or edible, even if there is it's gonna take too long to search and find, so where else can I look?

'The middle is nothing but cells, what about the corners? The Elevator, If there's gonna be some facility it has to be near the only escape route out of there.'

"Stay strong I will be right back."

There was still a problem, she didn't knew which way was the elevator, or where exactly she is, taking a blind chance she ran straight to her left.

While running she made sure to look at all direction to not miss anything, there wasn't anything new, more dead bodies, more damages, anything specific, if there was any, would be missed because of darkness.

She arrived at a corner of the floor. There was a couch there, a small table, a water dispenser about halfway empty and paper cups.

*Kheeee* A sound came as she was filling a cup.

It was to her left, she could see the broken elevator there, it's light were working perfectly fine, but the door that now was open right next to it gave her chills.

She was right, if there was any facility to be made here, it has to be near the only way out of here, away from the cells.

But why did it open? Did someone opened it? Who then? If it was on its own then why now?

She knew getting back to that boy was more important, but what if there was someone else here? Someone like her? Or at the very least, a better way to get the water to him.

She slowly made her way towards it, she was capitated by a sudden chill, 'It's not a good idea, it's wrong, turn back now' was all it's mind was telling her.

She looked inside the room, as dark as this room was, the light from the elevator made it visible enough. It was a big room, probably some place for the guards.

"Who are you?" She asked, it was faint, but she could hear it, someone's breathing.

"Are you one of the prisoners? I am not gonna hurt you, I don't even know what this place is, I was brought here and now I am stuck. Please..." Rose said, she was few steps away from the door.

No response, whoever was inside the room, they did not want to show up.

With caution, rose stepped inside the room, there wasn't much inside, few more tables and couches, some guard jackets, not the bulletproof kind, and most importantly, a Water Jug.

The room also stretched out in the back to the darkness, but she wasn't gonna take a chance in it.

She took the jug and left, she also took few cups from the water dispenser. Finding her way back was lot easier since he was just straight ahead from the corner.

She got to John but she forgot one thing, the door was still closed. It needed a card to open, and it would definitely won't be the L4 Key she had.

How else she can get the door to open?

"I can help..."

Rose looked the way she came, the person came out of hiding and followed her.


The girl got to the lock and put a card in, the door opened.

Rose took the jug and went to the boy, and made him drink some of it.

"There's some food there too," The girl said.

"Thank you... Why didn't you answer earlier?"


'Shy and timid kind, need to be careful with words with her.'

"Don't worry, you don't have to answer, it's just... I was stuck here for hours with no way home, I don't know what to do."

"...Are you, one of us?"

"One of you? no... I was brought here today by a man, he had some beef with my mom years ago, wanted to kill us for that."

"How did you escaped?" The girl asked, taking few step closer, gazing at the boy, 'worried for him? They must know each other.'

"I don't know, the light went out for a while and when it came back, he... was gone. I am sorry but it seems like he is waking up a bit. Can you help me get him to that room? Thank you."

"My name is Veronica, What's yours?"


"Can you tell me something about this place? I don't know where we are..."

"I don't know either, one day, I woke up here, since then, they been doing something with us, putting something inside us using a neddlethingy. I don't even know how long I was in here."

"Don't worry 'Thanks for nothing.' Let's put him on the sofa, yes with ease, yeah, now what should we do?"


"You and me, you are staying with us right?"

She nodded happily, 'Atleast its better than being alone' Rose thought.

"That card, I haven't seen it before."

"They use a lot of cards, I found this when I woke up couple of days ago." Riely says as she sits on one of the armchairs.

"What happened here, it feels abandon for some time."

"I don't know, when I went to bed it was normal, but when I woke up, it was like this."

"Is there a way to leave without using the elevator?"

"I did not find any."

"ok, I am gonna take a look inside there can you look after him till then? Great."

Project Amentis: Vol. 1 - The UnveilingWhere stories live. Discover now