Chapter 10

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Rose walked slowly walked inside, it was empty, it felt empty, just a void of darkness, as she walked in it.

She was looking all around as she went on, it wasn't a big room but somehow it felt like it, 'it feels like I am walking in circles.'

She felt like she stumbled on something as she looked at few cabinets which was now next to her.

She tried opening one, but it was locked, while the next one she tried to open, broke in her hands, 'Weird.'

In there was reports, patient background reports, 'Why would they keep all this in the same floor as them. Seriously, Floor maps? Why the hell is wrong with these guys?

'Is this an oversight? Or were they so confident on their security that keeping this next to them brought no issues. If that is the case then what might have happened that overpowered them so much?'


Rose took the floor maps with her and everything that seemed to useful at first glance with her, as she heard her call. "Please don't shout next time, we don't know how many of them are still here, and you look...fine."

"Why wouldn't i? I am sorry who are you again?"

"The girl who saved your life? You don't remember passing out in front of me?"

"No, I guess I was too starved."

"Don't worry about it, my name's Veronica."

"John, I don't remember rest of my name."

"You have amnesia?" Riely Asked.

"Maybe, how can I say?"

'So he doesn't remember who he is and somehow is fine even after being starved so much that he passed out, yet sitting here like it's all been nothing but a dream.'

"Do you... need anything?"

"No, I am fine, also I don't want to be burden on you," he said as he looked at Rose's hands.

"Right, I found these inside, I didn't get to go through them all, there are more in there."

All three of them begins to look through them, there were reports on water usage, as well as the reports on Subject's Behavioral, and many more.

But even with all these files, there was nothing really clear, about the cells, reason for locking them up and writing these repor...

"I found something, look at this, doesn't this feel like the floor we are on?" John said.

"Yeah, but it's just top view of it, there isn't anything that might help us. And what are you reading?"

"It' report, I wanted to see what they have written about me.."


After few minutes, what might have felt like hours, they go through them all, "There is nothing here, I will go inside and grab some more."

She walked back to the cabinets, which she found in an instant unlike before. 'That floor map is from here, these might be usefull, maybe few of those as well,' as she picked up more files to take back.

*Giggling Sounds*

'What now?' Rose thought as she walked back.

"Who..? Who are you?" Rose asked as she saw a new figure sitting with John, "C'mon veronica you already forget my name?"

"Who is he? 'They have numbers I need to be keep my guard up against them now too' what's he doing here?"

"Relax Relax, I am sorry for acting up, my Name is Austin Patterson, I been following you since you get here."

"What do you mean follow me? I didn't see you when I was running through the halls."

"I was hiding, what you expect me to do in that situation."

"Do you know, how to get out of here?"

"By here if you mean this floor, that I know, I say your friend leaving, it was weird watching him tough, talking to himself so much."

"What do you mean by my friend?" Rose asked.

"By Your friend I mean your friend."


"Had a Dumbass look, almost killed you remember?"

"Who is he talking about?" John asked, "What did he mean by 'almost kill you?' are we in danger, are we about to die?"

"no, I don't think so, my friend. Actually my cousin Ares, he died... didn't he?"

"I don't blame you for not knowing, I mean, you weren't there and that guy was nuts, so it's a safe assumption. But no, he's alive, and he left quite a bit earlier."

Rose was baffled, 'How? How he survived? He didn't had a leg, other one was basically gone, how he could have left?'

"How?" Riely asks as she breaks Rose out of her thoughts.

"Quite easily actually, he climbed the elevator shaft. I know I know, the elevators are almost indestructible, but that hole that is in it made it quite easy to walk through it, I don't know how he opened the doors above though, it might be already broken who knows?"

"So what are we waiting for? Or do we need to get through those as well?" John asked.

"I doubt it will useful now we know how to get above, but we still have a problem, we don't have the key for the elevator that goes above it."

"We need another one?"

"Considering this is 'L4' and above one is 'L3', I think we need 2, 3 more cards."

"Cards, are you guys talking about this?" John Asks as he shows a L3 Card.

'How the hell, where was he keeping it? And this guy...'

"Austin, why did you show up?"

"Oh, I get it, you are anxious, you should be, you are not from here, stuck with a girl who is so timid she could barely talk, a guy with amnesia, an asshole cousin and me, a person that just walked in here, who talks a lot. With no hope.

"But trust me on this, I am your greatest ally, and you will be glad Veronica, that I am here."

Project Amentis: Vol. 1 - The UnveilingWhere stories live. Discover now