Chapter 4

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Ten's POV

"We're on break! We're on break!" Yangyang sings. The amount of energy this child possesses is amazing. It's been at least half an hour since Chunmei announced our break, and he's still celebrating with his whole heart.

"What are you gonna do over break, Ten?" Yangyang asks, finally putting his singing to a pause.

I shrug, finishing the cookies I'm eating and dusting my hands off. "I haven't really thought about that yet. Probably hanging out with Louis and Leon, drawing, watching random videos, you know, what I usually do."

"Please don't feed them treats!" Hendery exclaims from the kitchen, where he's probably finding something to eat. "They're already fat enough!"

"Can't promise you anything," I laugh, beckoning for Louis and Leon to follow me to my room, where it's a little quieter.

Once there, I spend a while just trying to decide what to do. There's just such a wild assortment of things that I can do over break, things that I usually don't have time to do, and I'm having a hard time choosing just one.

After a lot of thought, I ultimately decide that my first choice should be to spend time with Louis and Leon. Shower them with love. Spoil them. Because I don't have much time to do it usually, I want to take advantage of this break to make them happy.

And, well, one of the ways I can do that is by giving them food.

I open their drawer of snacks, taking out a bag of them. Within a few seconds, Louis and Leon are already in front of me. The things these two do for food.

We run through the usual tricks that I've already taught them; Sit, Turn, Up, Paw, Other Paw. They've already essentially mastered these tricks, and now that I actually have time, I want to teach them Lay. Or, more like, Bang Bang.

"Louis," I call, patting the floor in front of me. "You've already tried this before, hopefully you haven't forgotten."

"Bang bang," I say to Louis, doing the gesture. He stares at me for a few seconds, then stands up and starts nudging at my hand, trying to get to the treats.

I laugh, pulling it back towards myself. "No, Louis. Trick first. Bang bang." I do the gesture again, hoping that he's going to listen. Again, he sits, his head tilted to the side in confusion, as if he doesn't understand what I want him to do. He probably doesn't.

I say "Bang bang" again, and then gently push him down to the floor. When he finally lays down, I clap my hands happily, giving him the treat and then turning to Leon.

"Leon, Bang bang," I say. He doesn't move, obviously not having learned from Louis. It's alright, though. I do the same thing that I did to Louis, and when he lowers himself to the floor, I praise him, too, and give him the treat.

We practice a few more times, until they can both lay down on their own either the first or second time I tell them "Bang bang." They probably won't remember it tomorrow, but it's alright, we can practice.

"Alright, no more," I tell them, holding out my empty hands until they turn away. I laugh, then remember that another one of their favorite things to do is to sit in the window and watch birds fly by. So I quickly slide open one of my windows, laughing as they run over, jumping up onto my table and settling themselves in front of it.

I leave the room for a few minutes to wash my hands and get a drink of water. I remember that it's been a while since I tried drawing something, and I really want to do it again, so I grab my tablet from the living room so I can draw something.

When I return to my room, Louis and Leon are both pushed up against my open window, staring at something through the window screen. They don't even acknowledge my presence, they're so focused.

I walk over to the window, curious as to what could possibly be so important. There's something moving in the window across the street, a black and white ball of fur.

It's another cat.


neomu happy :')

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