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Ten's POV

~1 year time skip~

It's been a year. A very eventful year, and a great year. I don't think words can describe how much I've enjoyed it. It's just been... wonderful.

Where am I right now? I'm at "The Proposal Place", as the Dreamies so affectionately and creatively named it after Winwin and Chunmei's proposal last month. And, as the name obviously tells...

I'm proposing to Yeona today.

At this point, the proposal process has become a literal tradition: We plan the proposal, NCT and the girls prepare everything, it happens, and everyone becomes happy.

I did put a little twist on my proposal to Yeona, though. I wanted to make the process special and remind her of the unique way that we met. It's not anything big, just a fun way to kick things off.

A loud voice interrupts my thoughts. "Hyung! Yangyang's got the sign taped up and Kun is ready! As soon as you text her, things are going to get started!" Hendery tells me, running up to me in his suit. His excited behavior does not match his outfit, but I'm too excited myself to care.

"Thanks Hendery," I tell him, pulling my phone out of my pocket. This is it. The proposal I've been preparing for so long is happening today, and my emotions are a complete mess, but I'm prepared and excited.

look at my window <3

As soon as I send the text, I sense a tall figure behind me and turn around to see Johnny. He's peering at my phone over my shoulder, squinting to see the screen. As soon as he sees me turning, he looks away like he did nothing. "It's happening, isn't it?"

I nod, tucking my phone back into my suit pocket and gently touching my hair to make sure that it's not messed up.

"I'm ready."

Yeona's POV

"I still don't understand what's happening," I say, trying to figure out where Kun's driving us to.

This has been a... well... uneventful but eventful day. Ten had something to do and both my fellow Sasaeng Exterminators were busy for most of the day, so I got some alone time to enjoy; After all, I'm still the introvert I always was.

I was sitting in my apartment, watching Luna and my new cat play together. Her name is Lola, the cat that Ten convinced me to adopt because "Louis and Leon got tired of sharing". And that's how the Calico was adopted by me.

So yes, I was just watching them and reminiscing about the past year or so when I got this text from Ten that said "look at my window <3". Apparently, this was the start of the little hunt-like thing that I went through.

After getting flashbacks to the day Ten and I started talking, I managed to read the sheet of paper taped up to his window, which told me to "open my door".

Turns out, my fellow Sasaeng Exterminators, Chaemin and Chunmei, were standing there with these bags in their hands. Then they made me pick a dress and do all this makeup and hair stuff because "Sir Ten sent them with a command to dress me up".

When we walked into the hallway, a sheet of paper was on the floor that read "Get in Kun's car", so we did, and the guy started driving us out into the middle of nowhere. And that's where I am now. In the middle of nowhere.

Actually, I'm not gonna lie, I quite enjoy it out here. It's just nature all around us, although it would be nice if I actually knew what was happening.

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