Chapter 28

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Ten's POV

"Yeona!" I greet the girl, stepping aside so she can enter our dorm.

Yes, Yeona is at our dorm. It was only two days ago that I went to her apartment, but we were both bored and spontaneously decided to hang out again.

Those two days have been filled with a lot of conversation and discussion between the two of us during our free time. I'd say that talking to her is actually the highlight of my day, which is pretty significant, considering the things that happen around me every day.

"Hey Tae," she greets me, stepping into the dorm and looking around. Since she's the first guest we've had in a while, I sort of made WayV clean the dorm with me so it looked decently presentable to our visitor.

Just as I'm about to say something, I hear a lot of commotion from the rest of the dorm. A second later, a flood of people comes bursting out of their rooms, as if their excitement has bubbled over. This isn't what I told them to do, but it is what it is.

"Hey Yeona!"
"It's nice to meet you!"
"We're Tae's friends."
"Is that Luna?"
"Awww, your cat is adorable!"
"Welcome to our apartment!"

I mentally sigh with relief, glad that they remembered my words to them last night, when I told them not to overwhelm Yeona because she's very introverted, and we can be a lot to handle.

"H-hi, nice to meet you," she responds a little awkwardly. "Yeah, this is Luna."

As if on cue, Louis and Leon somehow manage to weave through the members and come to a rest in front of Luna's crate. The three felines start sniffing each other, staring at one another with curiosity.

I smile, proud of my two children for socializing with another cat. Yeona seems to be happy about it, too, although she's clearly a little nervous about meeting my "friends", which is perfectly understandable.

She bends down and carefully opens the door of Luna's crate, watching as the cat gingerly sets her paw outside the crate. "Go ahead, Luna. These are Louis and Leon."

What makes me even prouder is that Louis and Leon aren't showing any signs of arrogance. Look at my cats, being good hosts. "Yeah, they seem to be getting along very well."

"Can I pet her?" Yangyang asks, watching as Luna approaches him. "Her fur looks so soft."

"Sure," Yeona responds with a nod. We spend a minute just swooning over Luna, Louis, and Leon, which was sort of what I expected.

I spend this minute discreetly trying to observe Yeona. Why do I care so much about what she thinks? I really have no idea, but I'm glad that she doesn't seem to think we're too overly weird or chaotic. Soon she'll see how WayV really is.

"Anyways, how is the training with Luna going?" I ask, picking Louis up and stroking his fur. He's already struggling to get down, as if unwilling to miss any second of interaction with Luna.

"It's, uh, going really well," Yeona responds with a small smile.

I nod, noticing that Luna looks sort of nervous around so many people. "Do you want to take Luna to my room so she's more comfortable?"

"Sure," Yeona responds, gently picking her cat up. I do the same to Louis and Leon. This results in many complaints and protests from the rest of WayV.

"Bring them back!"
"Dude, I was just getting to know her-"
"She was literally liking me-"
"Why are you taking the babies away from us?"
"Don't you dare-"

"You can just ignore them," I assure a hesitant Yeona as the protests get fainter and fainter.


ten rly managed to get wayv semi-normal for a quick second there-

Thanks for reading!

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