Chapter 17

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Yeona's POV

Here we go. We're texting again. I'm being awkward again. I definitely need to figure out how this socialization thing works.

Thank goodness we've dropped the introduction thing. If you ask me to introduce myself over text, you're going to get a formal, properly capitalized introduction. That's just the way it works.

I mean, he asked me to tell him something about myself, so I told him my full name and age, right? I don't do things online, so how am I supposed to know how this works?

Now that I think about it, I usually don't tell these things to people I haven't known for a long time. I don't think many people aside from my uni classmates know my full name and age. I guess Tae is an exception.

Although, I've been thinking about when I want to meet him in-person. I mean, I sort of want to, and at the same time don't want to.

alright back to normal conversation we go-

hmmm so
have you been drawing anything?

I wait for a few minutes, but he doesn't respond to my message. Was my topic starter really so weird that he was scared off?

I look outside and suddenly realize that Louis and Leon, too, have disappeared from their perch.

Maybe the three of them have gone to eat or take a sip of water. I mean, it's possible, right? Why else would they have left so suddenly?

I'm starting to get a little worried now. Tae and his cats have been gone for at least ten minutes, with no hints as to why they've disappeared. Tae seems like a healthy person and this is a safe neighborhood... Nothing bad could have happened to him, right?

No, not my new friend! I mean, not Luna's new friends' owner! "Actually though, where is he?" I ask myself. Luna looks just as confused as I am. Oh, this isn't good.

My worries are cut short by a notification. He's back, with an interesting question...

uh this is a weird question but
are u good with cats?

What kind of question is that? I mean, I guess I'm okay with cats, although I haven't interacted with many of them aside from Luna. How am I supposed to know?

uh I guess I'm okay with them

alright thats good enough
uh so basically
louis and leon are kinda gone-


Well, this explains why the three of them randomly disappeared with no trace. How on earth did Louis and Leon disappear from right under our noses?

idk we just cant find them-
they ran out towards the door and then disappeared
so we're going to check the building for them

how did they just disappear-
have you checked the house?

one of my roommates just came back from somewhere
which means they couldve run out-


alright this is weird to ask but
can u pls help look for them 👀
idk my roommates aren't very trustworthy of helping-

I consider this for a split second, not allowing myself to think about it for too long. On one hand, I really hate leaving my apartment, especially if the reason has something to do with people. On the other hand, Louis and Leon could possibly be in danger and Tae is asking for my help...

I make up my mind, not second-guessing my decision.

uh sure

alright so
can u meet me in the courtyard-
yk the one right outside the windows-

on my way

I run towards the door and pull on my shoes, checking to make sure that Luna's far away from the dorm. We don't need a third lost cat.

Then I exit my apartment and lock the door behind me, speed walking down the corridor and into an elevator, all while worrying over where Louis and Leon have disappeared to. It feels like they're almost my own cats, with the amount of concern I have for them.

"Alright, here we go," I mutter, pushing open the door that leads outside. I push my fears of socialization aside and start towards the courtyard between our buildings.

This is bad.


ohnoes not the louis and leon-

Thanks for reading!

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