Chapter 70

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Ten's POV

I have to say, I'm pretty proud of bringing Yeona ice skating. She's a fast learner, and it seems like she had a lot of fun. At least, I hope she enjoyed it.

The ice skating date was pretty much all that I was thinking about during the whole day, and WayV wouldn't stop teasing me about it. Therefore, I've relocated to Yeona's apartment to get away from them, although it probably won't help my case later on when I return.

It's the evening and I'm laying on her bed, half asleep, half awake, and fully wanting to cuddle with a cat.

"Bring me Luna."
"She likes me better!"
"I feed her, therefore I am her favorite."
"She always picks me when we're together-"
"But she spends more time with me."
"You live together! If I lived here she'd be spending more time with me."
"If you want the cat, go get her yourself."

I sigh, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. As I pass by Yeona's desk, I get a glimpse of what she's drawing and completely forget what I was trying to do in the first place. "Wait, whoa, that looks really good."

"Uh, thanks, I guess," Yeona responds.

I peer over her shoulder, looking a little closer at what she's drawing. It's a figure of a person laying on a bed... "Wait, is that me?"

"No, it's a random person that was laying on my bed two seconds ago and who I decided to draw because I've been wanting to draw them for a while," Yeona responds.

I get very confused for a second before I realize that she's joking. Wow, talk about character change. "So it is me."

She doesn't answer for a moment, still drawing on her iPad with her stylus pen. Then she holds it up for me to see better. "Yeah, it's you. I thought you looked kinda cool, I don't know, so I just drew you."

"Wow... You're really an artist," I mutter, amazed by the drawing. "Can you send that to me?"

"What do you expect? I'm a digital art major. But sure, I'll send it to you," Yeona responds, putting the iPad back down on her desk. "By the way, what on earth happened to you cuddling with Luna?"

It takes me a moment to remember that I left the bed to get Luna. Yeona's drawing of me really just brainwashed me like that.

"Right, I'm going to get her," I announce, speeding out of the room. A faint "I'll have Louis and Leon then!" sounds behind me as I pick Luna up and bring her back to Yeona's room.

A minute later, Yeona, Luna, Louis, Leon, and I are all on the bed. The cats are doing their normal cat things, while Yeona and I are talking. I'm trying to establish my point that I'm Luna's favorite, while my girlfriend rebuts them and tries to establish that Louis and Leon like her the most.

"Look, she's laying on my legs."
"And Louis and Leon are laying on mine."
"I have a purring cat on my legs."
"I have two purring cats on my legs-"
"But like-"
"Can we just conclude that all three cats love us equally?"
"Fine, if you say so."


here have an abrupt warning that this book ends soon-

Thanks for reading!

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