Chapter 37

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Yeona's POV

This situation is giving me serious déjà vu. I'm again in my apartment, waiting for people to arrive and having no idea what to do.

This time, Tae is bringing his friends. Yes, all seven of them, to my apartment. I don't mind at all, especially because I do feel more comfortable in my own apartment, a place that I'm fully familiar with.

I decide that my best way to pass time would be to review the names of the eight people who are going to arrive at any moment. Not gonna lie, their names are very interesting. At least, they're a bit out of the ordinary, but it's alright.

Luna seems to have sensed my excitement and slight nervousness, because she's right next to me. Actually, that might be because Louis and Leon have disappeared from the window of Tae's room, but I'll pretend that she's trying to comfort me.

The doorbell rings, making me jump from the sofa. Taking a deep breath, I swing open the door to reveal the seven men and one woman in front of my door, all wearing masks.

For some reason, the current scene is reminding me of Haeyoung's words from yesterday. They're definitely a "group of seven handsome men", plus one pretty woman and two cats in crates. I don't need to think about her right now, though.

"Hello, welcome!" I greet them, stepping aside so they can file inside. Thankfully, before I have to come up with something else to say, they've already started talking.

"Hi Yeona!"
"Wow, your apartment is so nice!"
"Oh, Tae told us you were an artist!"
"To be fair, Tae talks about her a lo-"
"Hahaha yeah, Yeona's apartment is super nice. That was my reaction when I first saw it."
"Calm down guys, we're going to get her noise complaints, as if our own weren't enough-"
"Fine, but only for Yeona."

With that, they finally settle down a little. Tae gives me an apologetic look, which I respond to with a small smile, trying to tell him that it's alright. They're radiating a lot of positive energy towards me, which I guess is a good thing.

"So yeah... I guess we're all here now?" I awkwardly remark. I sneak a glance at Tae, hoping for him to jump in and save me and my antisocial self. The visit is so spontaneous, and we never really decided on what to do once they were here.

Luckily, he gets the message. "What were we here to do in the first place again?"

The slightly hyper one - YoungYoung, was that his name? - shrugs, already on the floor playing with Luna. "I think we were here to visit Luna, but it doesn't really matter. Technically we're also here to see Yeona, and to do random things."

The donkey-looking one, or Dongkei, nods. "Yeah, we're here to see Luna and Yeona. Who, by the way, probably likes me the most-"

"Nope, she definitely likes Wonwon the most. Nobody can resist him-"
"Or me, the handsome one-"
"Nah, it's probably Chunmei, who's the only sane one-"
"Isn't it obvious that she likes Tae the most, though?"

I look down, pretending to be occupied with Louis and Leon, who have been let out of their crates and are now boldly exploring my apartment. Then I turn my attention back to Tae's friends, trying to figure out how to answer the question.

Tae and I make quick eye contact, before he smoothly responds, "Yeah, definitely. Anyways, how has the training with Luna been going?"

I'm about to answer him, when suddenly, a flash of red catches my eye. I turn my head to see an inflated piece of rubber being tossed around. Please, that is not what I think it might be...

"Wait, is that a balloon? In my apartment? Get that away from me-"


hm I totally wonder who Yeona's favorite could possibly be-

Thanks for reading!

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