Chapter 33

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Yeona's POV

How do I explain that meeting? I really don't think I've ever met a group of people even remotely similar to Tae's friend group, but I won't judge them. Honestly, they're really funny and seem like they have a lot of fun with one another.

Yes, I walked out on them because social anxiety started kicking in. It probably wasn't too polite of me, but to be fair, it was slightly overwhelming for me. I don't think I'm ready to really become friends with them yet.

I hope that doesn't make them upset at me, though. I mean, they should understand, since I told them I had to eat and go to work, but it was sort of abrupt. That wasn't too good of a first impression.

This is what I'm worrying over during lunch, as well as during my walk to the cafe.

Unfortunately, as soon as I get there, I see that there's a much bigger problem than my nonexistent social skills.


I can't tell exactly what's happening, but it seems like she's just being an annoying human again. And I do not tolerate annoying humans.

Getting closer, I can see that she's standing at the entrance to the café. It's like she's advertising something or handing out brochures, and I know for a fact that isn't her job.

As soon as I'm closer to her, she starts talking as if she's been saying the same thing all day. "Hey, have you seen a group of seven-"  Here, she realizes that I'm not a random customer who she can blabber to. "Oh, Yeona. Go inside."

I raise an eyebrow, slight anger awakening inside of me. "Sorry, what did you just say?"

"Uh, go inside?" she responds, her voice wavering a little.

I nod, knowing better than to raise my voice and cause a scene. "I should be saying the same thing to you. If you haven't noticed, your job is to make coffee, not to sit outside and ask questions to our customers."

Haeyoung's eyes move to the side, obviously trying to come up with a response. As we're speaking, a customer walks past us, heading into the cafe. Apparently, Haeyoung can't miss a single person, because she flags the woman down. "Hey, have you seen a group of seven good-looking guys around here?"

Her poor victim shakes her head, then continues into the cafe. I shake my head, embarrassed on Haeyoung's behalf.

I won't lie, her description sounds awfully similar to my impression of Tae and his friend group, but she couldn't possibly be looking for them. Besides, I'd never take part in her investigation, or whatever it is.

"Well, the people inside have everything under control right now," Haeyoung tries to point out.

I shake my head, noticing my coworkers running about inside the shop. "Is that the best excuse you could come up with? I suggest that you take a look behind yourself and see the situation for yourself."

With a roll of her eyes, she looks behind herself. Her eyes widen a bit, before she turns back to me. "They're, uh, doing great."

"I also suggest that you stop lying to yourself. Open your eyes," I add. "Obviously, they're struggling to uphold your part of the job and not being paid for it. You should probably get back before I tell someone."

With another roll of her eyes, Haeyoung pivots and stomps her way back into the cafe. I follow her, my mood completely ruined.

Something is off with Haeyoung, and I intend to find out what it is.


haeyoung rly do be giving me bad vibes

Thanks for reading!

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