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"Well, well, the Yondaime's daughter has returned to Konoha. Welcome back, Uzumaki Hajita." The third Hokage greeted her. In a polite manner, Hajita took a bow and thanked him for the warm welcome. Then she excused herself for immediately requesting to send for her brother Naruto as she couldn't wait any longer for their first encounter.

"Of course. I'll send for him at once." The Sandaime said and gave a nod to a servant nearby who instantly darted off.

"I must say, the resemblance to your mother is striking. The typical features of the Uzumaki clan." He scrutinized her. "And may I ask, what other than getting to know your brother is your business here, young lady?"

"It is my wish to become a citizen of this city and be part of a Konohan shinobi squad. I want to integrate myself in the community and find my own place here in my hometown. I promise to protect the leaf with my life."

Gai jumped in and told the third Hokage about how great Hajita had performed her medic jutsu after their fight with the Akatsuki. But that wasn't necessary. The fierceness in her voice had reminded the Sandaime so much of Kushina that he had no doubt about her good intentions anymore. Yet, he still wanted to find out a little more about the sister of the jinchuuriki.

"So, you are an Iryonin?" the third asked. "That's an uncommon thing nowadays. How come?"

"I was trained by princess Tsunade. She enrolled me in the Jonin exams when I was 16. I passed at my first attempt." She told him proudly.

"I must say, I'm impressed. But I hadn't expected anything less from Minato's and Kushina's daughter" the Sandaime smiled contently. "I'm sure we'll find a fitting position for you. What about being the teacher of the next medic ninja squad? I always thought we had too few of them."

Before Hajita could answer and tell the third Hokage that she felt honoured and would be really proud to hold a position like that, somebody knocked on the door and rushed in before being bid in. When Naruto entered the room, Hajita turned around and inhaled sharply. He looks just like father! He resembles him as much as I do mother, Hajita thought with a smile on her face.

"What's going on, y'all? What's so important? That dude here stressed me so much I didn't even have time to finish my instant noodles! That's not a nice way of treating people, ya know!" Naruto complained and Hajita's smile grew even bigger. Kakashi had been right. They were quite the opposite of one another. Where she was reserved and quiet like their father had been, Naruto was head-on and loud, clearly taking more after their mother's quirky demeanour. Thinking of how much they had inherited from their parents, Hajita instantly was fond of her little brother.

"Naruto, I've got news for you. Some good news, and some bad news. The bad news first: Your teacher Kakashi was injured in battle and is currently at the hospital. Thus, he will not be able to teach you for a few days." The third Hokage told Naruto.

"Kakashi sensei! I have to visit him at once!" Naruto exclaimed and started to bold for the door.

"Naruto! You have not been dismissed yet!" thundered the third Hokage. "There is someone very important I want you to meet. Look to your left." Unwillingly, Naruto obeyed and eyed the girl with the flaming red hair.

"Naruto, this is your older sister Hajita." At those words, Naruto's mouth fell open.

"Hi, Ototo. I brought you something." Hajita smiled warmly at him and held out a cute-looking lollipop. Naruto's face fell. I am not a little kid anymore, he thought. And why had she left me if she was my sister? Why hadn't she come back earlier? He pouted at her and Hajita began to worry he didn't like her. But something about her red hair and nice smile triggered a warm feeling in Naruto. It almost felt like he was looking at someone familiar, but he couldn't recall who she reminded him of. However, the disappointment had vanished, and happiness had won over. He had a sister! How great was that? He broke into a huge grin, crushed her into a bear hug and screamed "Onechan!"

He is stronger than he looks, Hajita thought and laughed. Kakashi had been right again. With Naruto, one doesn't need to worry about not being liked.

The rest of the day, the Uzumaki siblings were inseparable. Naruto wanted to show her off to all of his friends (which Hajita found equally as cute as embarrassing). They moved the few things Naruto owned to their new house and in the evening, Naruto took her to his favourite place to eat, Ichiraku Ramen. Being his usual gentleman-self, he even generously let his sister pay the bill. But Hajita was so happy to finally be with her little brother, she simply didn't care.

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