Easy come, easy go

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The following month was all it took for Hajita and Naruto to grow as close as brother and sister can get. She noticed that Kakashi had not been entirely right about herself being so different from Naruto. She also could have a temper. And Naruto, just like any little brother in the world, had the talent to push her buttons. Usually that would end up in a fight with a lot of screaming and some headbutting action resulting in a big bump on Naruto's head. Sometimes, Hajita liked to tease her little brother by treating him like a baby which drove him regularly up the wall. But just like any siblings do, they forgot about their arguments as soon as they had started and were of one mind again.

Albeit the Uzumaki siblings weren't typical teenagers. As jinchuuriki Naruto had experienced isolation and loneliness for most of his young life. A feeling Hajita was familiar with too, due to losing parents at such a young age and experiencing war at first hand. Even though she was merely 18 when she returned back to Konoha, Hajita didn't complain about doing the household all by herself while training almost as much as her little brother. Sometimes she would join his team in their training while at other times she preferred to perfect her jutsus by herself.

In the evenings shortly before bedtime, it became a routine for Hajita to tell stories about their mom and dad. At these times, the normally hyperactive and cheeky Naruto would calm down, close his eyes and listen carefully with a happy smile on his face. She told him about Dad's calm and generous demeanour, about mom's quirkiness and about their traditions like kissing each other good night simultaneously. "You know, Dad would kiss mom on the forehead while she kissed my forehead" she smiled recalling this sweet memory and without a second thought, she kissed her brother's forehead.

"Ugh, gross!" he jumped away from his big sister. "I'm not a baby anymore, ya know!"

And even though at some point Hajita had no more new stories to tell, her little brother would insist on his story-time. So, she started to repeat the old ones over and over again. And although he complained every time, there was no more night's sleep for Naruto without a kiss on the forehead.

But the harmony in the Uzumaki's lives shouldn't last long. The day her little brother's best friend left, everything changed. She watched Naruto fall into a great depression and blame himself for not being able to hold Sasuke back. The light-hearted boy who had never taken anything seriously she had met a few weeks ago was gone. That's why, when Naruto told her about his plans of leaving, as heartbroken as she was, she immediately agreed and encouraged him to go with the legendary Sannin Jiraiya, who would act as his new teacher. She hoped it would take his mind off of his lost friend and that he would be able to focus on his training again.

"You go and don't you dare to come back without some awesome new skills, you hear me?" she teased her little brother for the last time and completely embarrassed him in front of all his friends when she kissed him goodbye on his forehead. Everybody had come to wish him farewell. When Naruto took one last look back, he saw his sister waving while standing next to his former teacher. He waved back at her and hoped that Kakashi sensei would never forget the promise he had given him. To protect his sister at all costs.

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