Team Yosochimu

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Kakashi wasn't too keen about this pact, but he could understand why it was so important to Naruto to not leave his sister completely unprotected. He had seen how much his sister meant to him and thus agreed to have an eye on Hajita during his absence. He took his vow to Naruto so seriously he even told Tsunade, who in the meantime had become the fifth Hokage, about his situation and asked her to be put in a team with Hajita. Since his own team had dissolved, he needed a new assignment anyway. Hajita knew nothing of all this and didn't suspect anything when she was summoned by Tsunade-sama and told that she would form a team together with Kakashi as well as Nakamura Daisuke and Susuki Minari. As a reason for this particular pairing Tsunade told them that their elemental natures resonated extraordinarily well. Hajita's Fuuton (wind) and Suiton (water) would work perfectly together with Kakashi's lightning Chidori and could create a wave of electrified water. Together with Daisuke's and Minari's elements fire and earth they completed the circle of elements. That's why the Godaime gave them the name "Yosochimu", the team of elements.

Hajita didn't care too much about why she had been teamed up with Kakashi, Daisuke and Minari. She knew the Sandaime's plans had been to make her the teacher of the next medic squad, but she understood that the priorities had changed since then. She simply was happy that she was now officially a kunoichi. She was excited about her first mission and eager to prove herself no matter who was to accompany her. With her long light brown hair and silver eyes, her teammate Minari was as beautiful as she was skilled but could be indifferent and cold-hearted at times. Whereas Daisuke was an easy-going, cheerful guy with dark grey shaggy hair and dark blue eyes who always was able to lighten the mood. Hajita usually was the quiet and considered part of the team but could occasionally loose her temper. Especially when Kakashi was late again. In fact, Hajita noted angrily, Kakashi never was on time. Usually, she just grinded her teeth and put her anger into her training, but one day, Hajita snapped.

"Why is it that you cannot be punctual for once? It is about respect, you know! I think it's really disrespectful to us that you don't even try to be on time at least once!"

Kakashi on the other hand wasn't bothered by her outburst in the slightest. When he had been able to put up with Naruto's temper, he surely was able to handle his sister's, Kakashi thought to himself. So he simply ignored her comment and started to integrate in their training as if nothing had happened. That day on their way home they ran into Gai and his team. Still a little upset, Hajita was not in the mood for Gai's over-the-top behaviour and hoped that they would get away without him making a scene. However, all of her hopes were crushed the moment Gai jumped in front of his students and blared out "Meet the love of my life, Miss Hajita!" While Kakashi as usual showed no reaction to this kind of behaviour, her teammates Daisuke and Minari looked confusedly back and forth at Hajita and Gai. Hajita just shook her head and sighed.

"May I invite you to dinner today, lovely lady?" Gai asked and fluttered his eyelashes at her.

"You flatter me, Gai." Hajita tried to let him down in a polite way but that only got his hopes up. He looked at her expectantly.

"But no, thank you." His face fell. However, Hajita already had expected him to not be the man to give up that easily, and indeed, Gai started again.

"Maybe tomorrow? We could go for a walk or go swimming in the lake?" he proposed while dancing around her.

"I'm sorry, Gai. I'm really not interested" she said with a sympathetic voice and hoped that he wouldn't be too dramatic about getting rejected. How wrong she was. He started crying and weeping about how his life was over. He was so depressed he didn't even challenge his old rival, who had watched the whole scene with a smug smile hidden behind his mask, to a duel that day. Hajita felt terrible for letting him down, but she was an honest person and not good at playing pretend.

As they left the devastated Gai behind, Kakashi nudged Hajita. "Don't be so mean to him, Hajita. The poor man simply wants to be around you and savour your holy presence."

"Oh, stop it." She scolded him. "I bet YOU have broken a lot of hearts around here."

Minari jumped in. "You know, he is the most desired bachelor in town." She started gossiping. "Every girl in Konoha likes him, but he never seems to be interested."

I wonder why that is, Hajita mused and recalled the vast number of get-well-wishes during his hospital stay. She couldn't blame the girls. Kakashi really was the most handsome guy she had ever met. No wonder everyone's hitting on him, she thought. But still, she was mad about his unpunctuality beforehand and didn't like the fact that he made fun of Gai for being so emotional, so she started to tease him.

"Well, being that good-looking must be a burden. It can't be easy having that many admirers."

"So, you think I'm good-looking, too?" Kakashi wanted to know, but Hajita ignored his question and turned to Minari.

"Maybe he's not interested because he's not into women?" She started to gossip. "Or could it be that he simply has no idea what to do with the effect he has on women?"

On the rest of the way home, Minari and Hajita engaged about possible reasons for Kakashi not having a girlfriend while Kakashi himself wondered about Hajita's last comment. He never had cared about the girls who admired him. But for some reason he really wanted to know what kind of effect Hajita had been talking about. Maybe he should try and find out some time.

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