I'll come back for you (The fourth shinobi world war)

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Hajita's news seemed to have squeezed all air out of Kakashi's lungs. As he tried to stay calm and breathe through the looming panic attack, he felt like passing out again the very next second. But nothing happened. It was as if the world around him had stopped turning. Still too weak to move or speak much, Kakashi remained as still as a statue. Yet inside, his thoughts were racing as he tried to understand what had happened in the last ten minutes. First, he was sure he had died and found himself in a place he could only describe as "the in-between" since it didn't look like heaven or hell and his father had uttered something about "finally being able to move on". At this curious place, he had met the silver fang and had had a profound talk with him about absolution and forgiveness. Then, to his big surprise, he had been resurrected, only to find himself being nearly strangled by his wife the very next moment. As if all of this hadn't been enough, he finally was told that he was going to be a father. That for sure was a lot to take in for one day. Naturally, processing all of these confusing experiences took him a hot minute. He wasn't sure if he was ready to be a father. He wasn't even sure he was ready to be back alive. Seeing his father again had made him realise how much he still longed to be with him. But as he recalled their conversation in detail, something Sakumo had said was slowly starting to make sense.

Maybe starting my own family and caring for them is the unfinished business my father was talking about, Kakashi wondered. Strangely enough, the thought of his dad encouraging him to dedicate his life to his family gave Kakashi some peace of mind. It was as if the silver fang had assigned him a new task and had shown him his new purpose. This final conclusion had such a calming effect on Kakashi that all of his initial doubts started to fade away. The next moment, the formerly arising anxiety was replaced by a strong sense of determination. A silent promise forming inside his head. I understand now, father. I'll do anything I can to protect the ones I love. Just like you did.

Hajita was watching her husband closely while he was wrapping his head around the recent events. As his expression remained unchanged, she started to grew weary as the minutes passed by. She could tell that a lot was going on inside his head and she understood that he was so quiet because he was trying to sort out his thoughts. Nonetheless, she couldn't help herself and started to worry about whether he might not approve because he did not want to have children at all. Nervously, she clutched her hands together and lowered her head. She now was somehow even scared of his reaction and didn't dare to look at her brooding husband anymore.

After what seemed like forever, Kakashi finally found his voice again. In the most affectionate tone all he asked was "Boy or girl?"

This simple question was too much for Hajita. All of the built-up tension finally fell off from her and (for what seemed like the millionth time this day) she broke into tears again but managed to smile a relieved smile.

"Oh Kakashi ... I was so scared to tell you, because I feared that you would not approve." She sobbed. "I know it's not the perfect timing, but I could have never given up our child."

Wiping away her tears, she gave him the answer to his former question "As for the gender, I don't know yet. It's still too early."


What they didn't know at that point, was that Kakashi would not be there to find out the gender of his child. As it turned out, Pain's strike against Konoha had only been the beginning of what would become the fourth shinobi world war. A summit of all current Kages was convoked shortly after the attack and preparations for the battle began only a few weeks later. Since Kakashi had decided to accompany Naruto on his mission to talk some sense into the Fourth Raikage about not killing Sasuke and was assigned the position as commander of the third division shortly after, his time in Konoha was limited. During his short visit in between those events, all he had left to do was to say Goodbye to his wife and unborn child – one of the hardest things he ever had to do.

For Hajita, the hardest part besides saying goodbye to her husband was watching all of her friends and family leave for war and being left behind herself. If it hadn't been for Kurenai staying too, they would have actually needed to tie her up, she was so destined to go. But Kurenai, who was also pregnant at that time with Asuma's child, was able to talk some sense into her. The two of them even became close friends during that hard time. They helped each other raise their children and improve their ninja skills. Kurenai taught Hajita how to counter genjutsu while Hajita showed her some advanced healing methods. On top of that, both of them had been assigned the task of taking care of all the children and elderly that had been left behind together with them.

It was only due to these tasks that Hajita was able to get by somehow. Day after day she kept herself so busy in order not to think about all her loved ones fighting out there. Yet, at night, she couldn't keep her nightmares away. In these dreams she saw Kakashi die a thousand different deaths, her brother being tortured, Konoha completely destroyed. And she relived her husband's last goodbye every night. She felt his light touch on her chin as he lifted her head up to place a tender kiss on her forehead. She recalled the soothing feeling of his chakra. And she heard his last words ringing in her ears over and over again. It had been the only time he had ever altered from his usual Goodbye "Later, Jita". Instead, he had looked at her with the most sincere expression burning in his onyx eyes as he promised her "I'll come back for you".

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