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(Author's note: For this chapter I drew inspiration from this picture I found on theinternet

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(Author's note: For this chapter I drew inspiration from this picture I found on theinternet. It captures so much emotion that I wanted to create a storyaround that. However, I do not own this picture, so here's the source =

As it turned out, Itachi's truth shouldn't be the only secret Hajita had to keep. The moment she found out she was pregnant, her world was turned completely upside down. They had never talked about having kids, and so she was quite reluctant to tell Kakashi the big news. She was realistic enough to know that with the upcoming war it wasn't the perfect timing to start a family. Plus, she feared that when he or Naruto heard about her being pregnant, neither of them would allow her to fight beside them anymore and she just couldn't bear to be left behind and do nothing. As a result, she decided to keep it to herself for a little while and wait for the perfect moment to tell them.

The day Pain attacked Konoha and brought destruction and despair over the village, Hajita and Kakashi fought at different frontlines within the city. The moment of their goodbye had been swift but serious, just like she had expected her husband's farewell to be. As he told her "Later, Jita" just like he did every day when he left for training, he sounded as calm as ever and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from telling him about their baby. She knew that both of them had to focus on the battle and that she could not have chosen a worse moment to drop the b-bomb. So, she managed to keep quiet and act as strong and brave as Kakashi needed her to be. But she regretted it as soon as he had vanished. She didn't know what it was, but somehow, she sensed that this farewell was different from all the others. Keep calm and focus, Hajita. There are more lives to save today, she told herself and shook off her horrible premonition by promising herself to tell him the big news as soon as this attack would be over.

Even though Hajita was busy exercising medical jutsu on all the wounded at the other side of town, she never stopped tracking her husband's chakra. The moment the familiar feeling ceased, she immediately knew what had happened, but her brain refused to process the fact that Kakashi had died. Forgetting about everything else, she started to race towards the spot she lastly had located his chakra. It didn't take her long to reach him (Hajita was her father's daughter after all and in this particular moment her speed really would have made the yellow flash proud), but what she saw completely horrified her. Lying in a puddle of his own blood, her normally strong and handsome husband looked so broken and fragile like never before. She felt as if all life had been drained out of her too. Tears started to stream down her face as she collapsed onto his dead body. She knew then and there that it was too late. Too late to exercise any kind of medical jutsu on him, but also too late to tell him the big news. Not knowing what else to do, Hajita started sobbing through her tears against his chest and told her dead husband the truth she needed him to know.

"I wish I could have had more time with you. Even if it was just one day. I would have told you how much I love you. And I would have seized the chance to tell you that you are going to be a father."

More and more tears started to run down her face as she hugged Kakashi's lifeless body not caring about the enemy, Pain. The only pain that existed for her was the agonising hole where her heart once had been. A pain so unbearable she thought it might tear her apart. But she reminded herself that she needed to be strong. If not for herself, at least for the life inside her. Because this was the only way Kakashi would live on somehow. This thought made her strong enough to hold onto her husband and to keep talking as if he could still hear her.

"I promise you, I'll tell our child how great of a man his father was. How compassionate, caring, and funny you were. How honourably you died while protecting this city. How happy we were together and how lucky I was to be your wife."

The though of having to raise her child in a world without Kakashi nearly suffocated her. All of it suddenly seemed too much to bear. As the pain and the panic started to take over, all Hajita could do was force herself to keep on breathing. Lying there, she fully concentrated on taking one breath after another while blocking out everything around her. Thus, the only thing she noticed was the warmth of Kakashi's body slowly fading. She wasn't even aware of time going by anymore. Until suddenly something under her moved. She gasped and yanked her red and swollen eyes open. Even though her vision was blurry from all the tears, there was no way she could not recognise the dark eyes staring back at her. She could see her own wonder and disbelief reflected in his gaze.

"How? What?" Hajita stuttered not believing her eyes.

Choji, who had watched the scene from nearby, cried out "Kakashi-sensei" and broke down into happy tears, glad to see Kakashi alive again. Confused, Hajita looked around and realized all the other corpses nearby that she hadn't noticed before, were starting to move as well. Katsuyu, who had been summoned by Tsunade, then explained to them that all of Pain's victims are being resurrected simultaneously. But Hajita listened only half-heartedly. As soon as she had processed the initial shock of Kakashi's revival, she was busy hugging her back-from-the-dead husband so tightly she nearly strangled him. Happy tears now streaming down her face.

"Hey, Jita, would you mind taking it easy on me?" Kakashi choked weakly. "One near-death experience is enough for one day for my taste."

Startled, Hajita backed off immediately and apologized. Her joy had been so huge she hadn't even noticed how firm her grip had been. When all of a sudden, she remembered what she needed to tell her husband so badly. Still pale and trembling, she squinted her eyes together, clenched her hands into fists and let out what she had kept a secret for the last few weeks.

"Before you die again or anything else bad happens, there is something very important I need to tell you" She blurted out.

Oh God, what now? Kakashi asked himself and tried to prepare for whatever was to come.

After a short pause and a big breath, Hajitafinally managed to utter the words she had been holding back for so long. "I'mpregnant, Kakashi." 

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