Hard to tell

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The next morning, Kakashi woke up with his head pounding. What had happened? All he could remember was talking to Hajita about his parents. He sincerely hoped he hadn't done anything stupid and started to panic about what might have happened between them when he heard her voice.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Hajita hummed as she stuck her head at the door. To his relief, Hajita smiled at him just like she always did, and he assumed that everything was fine between them. "To return the favour and to thank you for making me dinner last night, I made you breakfast. Would you like some?"

At the table, he found himself looking at the prettiest bento he had ever seen. You could tell she had put a lot of love and effort into making it. When he thanked her for the meal, he noticed her cheeks flaming up. Does she know how pretty she is when she blushes like that? Kakashi wondered. As they started eating, silence kicked in. Kakashi was not sure how to act around her after last night's events. He decided to play it safe by not mentioning it. He wasn't quite sure if he had dreamt of holding her close or if that really had happened. On top of that, he was uneasy about what to make of his feelings and thus wanted to see how she would act towards him.

But Hajita wasn't the girl to make the first step. She had always been shy, especially around good-looking guys like him. As he acted as indifferent as always, she concluded that it HAD been the sake talking yesterday. There simply was no chance a guy like him would ever fancy a girl like her. On top of that, she still believed that Kakashi-kun simply didn't care about relationships and didn't want anyone in his life. Thus, she made a silent promise to herself: She would not tell him about her feelings as long as she wasn't absolutely sure he felt the same way.

Therefore the following time was hard for all of them. It was hard for Kakashi to tell whether he should give in to his feelings or keep them locked away like he usually did. It was hard for Hajita to tell what Kakashi-kun really felt for her. It was hard for their teammates to tell what was going on. Due to the constant glances followed by awkward silence between them, Daisuke and Minari started to suspect something. But Hajita and Kakashi took their duties as shinobi seriously and thus were able to reduce their relationship to a professional level. And so, as time went by, and they never spoke about the night after the cemetery visit again.

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