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Days, weeks, eventually even months went by. It was a time where hunger, fear, and despair dominated most of their days. Yet, despite all these hardships, they still managed to celebrate some tiny moments of joy. Especially the births of their children sparked new hope amongst those that had been left behind. It was common sense that the beginning of a new life always also marked the beginning of a new era. It meant that a new generation would follow, and that life would go on somehow. And even though Hajita and Kurenai experienced the ups and downs of first-time motherhood without their husbands by their sides, they never were entirely alone as they had each other. Together, they watched their children grow from newborns to babys and from babys to toddlers. After what seemed like forever (when in fact it had been 18 months), when Hajita was about to lose faith in ever seeing Kakashi again, the war actually did come to an end. And against all of her worst expectations, Kakashi did what he had promised and returned to her.

On what would later go into the history books as "the day of the return", rumours already had spread throughout the village that the survivors would come home any minute now, but Hajita refused to believe it. She was so scared of getting too excited about seeing her loved ones again, because she knew the pain that would follow, if Naruto and Kakashi weren't amongst the survivors, probably would kill her. Thus, she had decided to go about her day as usual and not let the anticipation and hope get to her too much. In the morning, she was at school like usual. But teaching was impossible that day. All of the children's noses were pressed against the window to see if their parents finally came home. So, after a few hopeless tries to start the lesson, she gave up and send them in the yard to play. This way they get a little distraction at least, Hajita thought. At noon, when school was done for the day and nobody still had showed up yet, she tried to console her pupils and encouraged them not to lose faith (even though she barely had any hope left herself anymore).
In the afternoon, she used naptime to get some housework done just like she always did. She was about to finish washing up the dishes when the unimaginable happened. As she heard him call her by her nickname in his ever so calm demeanour but using his softest voice, Hajita's heart stopped beating. She held her breath and grabbed the sink to have something to hold on to. The world around her started spinning and she couldn't believe her ears. Never had she expected to hear his soothing voice again.

No, this can't be real, she told herself, still too afraid to believe it. I must be dreaming.

When she found the courage to turn around slowly her knees were trembling. And then she saw him. Standing in the doorframe, Kakashi almost looked exactly like his old handsome self (except for his second eye being back to normal) and she couldn't believe her eyes. Never had she expected to see his glorious figure again. For a long moment, she looked at her husband, a mixture of shock and disbelief on her face. Her gaze went from his toes to his head as she scrutinized every little detail in order to compare it to the picture inside her head she had been holding onto for the last one and a half years. Besides the eye, she couldn't find one little alteration and concluded that it really truly must be him. When her blue eyes finally found his dark ones, her knees finally started to give in.

As fast as always, Kakashi was beside her in an instant and took her into his strong arms. "I told you, I'd come back for you."

Hajita let out a weak chuckle of relief, tears now streaming down her face. Never had she expected to feel his warm body and soothing chakra that she had been missing for so long, again. So much had happened to both of them and yet, there was no distance between them, no awkwardness. It was as if they had never been apart. As he was holding her close, Kakashi knew that he had made it. This time, he had managed to keep his promises. To his father, to Hajita and to Obito. He was so overwhelmed by his feelings and all the thoughts racing inside his head, he didn't know how long they had already been standing there holding each other tight, when he finally started talking.

"We really fought some tough opponents and faced some pretty wicked incidents. I even met an old friend along the way." Kakashi tried to sum up his experiences. "And you know what? He did the same thing you did. He forbade me to die. And who am I to break promises to the ones I love most?" He concluded light-heartedly and winked at the still overwhelmed and slightly confused Hajita. Trying to process the experience of touching and talking to her husband again had been so captivating for her, she even forgot for one second that there was something even more important waiting for Kakashi than herself.

"I really would like to hear everything that happened, but I think that there is someone you have to meet first." She interrupted him and smiled an uneasy smile, looking a little nervous.

Kakashi remembered. While at war he had tried to suppress the thought of his unborn child as much as possible. It simply would have been too much to bear. But now that he could be sure his loved ones were safe, the rollercoaster of feelings he had experienced back when Hajita had first told him she was pregnant started again. As much as a part of him was excited about having a family of his own, another part was absolutely terrified. Terrified of doing something wrong, terrified of letting them down, terrified of not living up to their expectations. But Hajita, being her old empathic self, sensed his uneasiness and took his hand in hers to assure him. As she led him towards a former empty room in their house, he felt his heartbeat raise.

"Your sons are just as excited as I was for your return."

"My ... sons?" Kakashi stuttered and stopped dead as Hajita slowly opened the door.

Completely frozen, he stared at the two little boys standing in their cribs. Still a little tired from their nap, the twins' facial expressions were as different as their looks. The one that looked a lot like him when he was that age had pure excitement on his face, while the other one, who seemingly took more after his mother, eyed him suspiciously. At the sight of his sons, already toddlers, his heart seemed to melt while it grew at the same time. He had never felt anything like this before. Completely overwhelmed, he stared at the boys so long until one of their sons finally broke the silence. Even if he had only seen him in pictures before, the little boy seemed to know exactly who he was. A huge smile broke across the silver-haired boy's round face as he reached out his tiny little chubby hands and cheerfully squealed "Tousan".

That seemed to finally break Kakashi's trance. He took a closer look at his mini-me and found himself staring into blue eyes, the exact same shade as Hajita's. He hesitated a moment and looked uneasily at his wife who nodded encouragingly. "Go on, pick him up. His name is Sakuto. A combination of your father's name, Sakumo and your best friend, Obito. To honour them." She explained and added in the proudest motherly tone. "He is the fearless one, as you can probably tell." And she smiled so warmly at him like she had done a hundred times before. Feeling the warmth of his son against his chest while looking at his smiling wife tending to his other son (who she called "Takashi"), he knew that everything had been worth fighting for. And he knew that everything was going to be fine.


Author's Note: Right now, I feel like this story has come to an end. But I'm debating on starting a new one about their family live. I already have profiles wrought out for all of their children (in my opinion they need to have a little girl a few years later as well. "Yumi", same age as Himawari and the spitting image of her father.) Let me know what you think about this idea 😉
PS: If you want to know where I got the inspiration from for their children, PM me and I'll send you the Pinterest-Links.

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