The wedding

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Author's note: Another Kakashi-fluff chapter, but the next ones will be more action and less romance, I promise! I just wanted to keep it mixed up. PLEASE NOTE: This chapter includes some minor hints at nudity and sexuality.

The wedding was a rather small affair. Kakashi and Hajita both had agreed on not making a fuss about it and wished to keep it simple. The ceremony took place at the shrine dedicated to all the fallen shinobi. This way everyone who was dear to them, whether dead or alive, could be with them. Kakashi thought a lot about his father and about Rin and Obito. Hajita grieved the absence of her beloved parents. But both of them somehow felt like all their loved ones were there with them.
The bride looked lovely in her ivory-coloured silk dress that hugged her curves nicely. Her long bright red hair, which was usually straight and tied up in a high ponytail for practical reasons, fell effortlessly in loose curls onto her bare skin due to the low-cut back. On top of her head, slightly woven into her hair she wore a small but brilliant tiara to which a long veil with some low-key embroidery was attached. She looked so radiant and glowing, she even managed to outshine her handsome husband for once. Gai told everyone who was willing to listen that she looked like "a princess from a fairytale" and was so touched by all this beauty, that he cried throughout the whole ceremony.

The reception afterwards was small but sweet. Only their closest family and friends had been invited. As the clouds of the upcoming war already hung upon them it was a nice change for all of them to just be happy and joyful for one day without thinking too much about tomorrow. Hinata caught the bridal bouquet with the white lillies and flesh-coloured little roses that Ino had arranged so perfectly. Blushing deeply, she glanced sheepishly towards Naruto who only had eyes for the buffet. Despite his good manners throughout the majority of the day, he still managed to drive Hajita up the wall when she found out he had eaten all the wedding cake (because she had wanted to save a piece as a memory). At the later hour Lady Tsunade and Master Jirayia eventually had a little too much to drink and started telling shady stories and dirty jokes. But apart from that, it was a peaceful and harmonious event for all the invited guests as well as for the newlyweds.

The wedding night however was a different story.

The moment Kakashi closed the door behind him, and they finally were alone, Hajita's heart started pounding so hard, she feared it might jump out of her chest. She was so nervous she didn't even know why. The lack of physical contact between them had never bothered her since their relationship was so much more than that. Based on the same attitude and mindset, they had connected on such a deep level that intimacy had become secondary. But now that it was time to get physical, she was almost scared to destroy the beautiful foundation they had.

It's not the first night we spend together, Hajita tried to calm herself down and reminisced about the night after the cemetery visit. She shyly looked at the handsome man standing across from her and wrecked her brain about how to proceed. Kakashi looked as calm as ever but was just as insecure as his wife. He feared it might not be as pleasing as he had read in all his books, he was afraid of doing something wrong and worst of all, he couldn't shake off the thought of losing her, just like he had lost all his loved ones before. Hajita could sense her husband's reluctance and wanted to seem confident for him, even though in reality she had never been so far away from self-assurance than at that very moment. She decided to play it safe by addressing the everlasting elephant in the room. Inhaling deeply, she braced herself and gathered up all of her courage to utter the command she had been wanting to exert forever.

"Take it off" She demanded and by that brought Kakashi back from his gloomy thoughts. He immediately knew she was referring to the mask he always wore.

"And I thought you were never going to ask." He grinned. "If that's all, I'm happy to oblige to your first wish as my wife, Mrs Hatake."

Her cheeks turned pink as she looked at him expectantly.

"But I also have a wish that I need you to fulfil first" He lowered his voice and Hajita watched the burning sensation from the day at the beach coming back to his dark eyes. Her heart fluttered and all of her belly muscles tightened. How will I ever deny him something when he's looking at me like that? she asked herself and waited for him to clarify his demand.

"Take of your dress." He whispered his voice hoarse.

Hajita obeyed. Just like the other day at the beach, Kakashi didn't take his eyes off of her for one second. It seemed as if he was taking her in completely, trying to memorise each and every inch of her body. To Hajita's complete surprise, he switched the lights off as soon as she was done. You sneeky little bastard, Hajita thought and let out a small giggle. In the dark, all she could see was his silhouette. He started to take off his clothes as well and saved his mask for last before lying down next to her. She hesitantly reached out and started to touch his face. She gently stroked his cheek and traced his lips carefully with her thumb until he grabbed her fiercely by the neck, pulled her face close to his and pressed his lips eagerly onto hers. That kiss not only took Hajita's breath, but also all of her fears away, and both of them stopped overthinking and simply indulged into the new sensation of becoming one.

When they finally broke apart again, and Kakashi had covered his face by tugging up the sheets over his nose once more, he matter-of-factly stated "You married me without ever having seen my face completely." Hajita furrowed her brows and snuggled a little closer to him, inhaling his mesmerising scent.

"Of course I did." She replied and curled up against his chest.

"May I ask why?" He interrogated further, playing with a strand of her slightly tousled hair.

Hajita smiled. "Because it doesn't matter what you look like. Not to me. You could have hidden some rabbit teeth or big lips under the mask, and you would have still been perfect to me. Because I love you for what you are, not for what you look like. I love your sense of humour, your quirky habits, your invincible nature. I love the calming effect you have on me. But most of all, I love the woman I am when I'm with you. You see, no face under there could have ever stopped me from loving you."

And before Kakashi could fully process his wife's sweetness, she lightened the mood by adding a more light-hearted comment in her usual teasing tone. "The fact that you are some god-like extremely handsome-looking hunk is just a bonus to me." 

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