An unexpected proposal

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When the remaining party of Tsunade's summoning was told that their time as Team Yosochimu had come to an end, no one was surprised but everyone was sad. The Godaime explained to them, that since Sakura and Naruto finally had managed to pass Kakashi's bell test, the members of the former team 7 would now form Team Kakashi. Minari and Daisuke were to join the ANBU and Hajita was assigned the position the Sandaime had already proposed to her a few years back and become a teacher at the academy in order to train the next medic ninja squad.

"Since Naruto left this gathering quite abruptly" Tsunade cleared her throat and suppressed rolling her eyes at such an immature behaviour "I'll leave it to Jiraiya to tell him this news."

Meanwhile in the forest, Naruto was punching against a tree over and over again until his knuckles started to bleed. Normally he would have concentrated chakra on his fists to protect them, but his anger made it hard for him to control his chakra at all. He was so caught up in his rampage he didn't even notice Jiraiya-sama approaching him.

"Leave the tree out of it, Naruto. Don't hurt our beautiful nature with your childish behaviour." He scolded his student. "What is your problem with their relationship anyway?"

Naruto paused to think about his sensei's words. Well, he thought, for starters I am grossed out by any kind of adult-stuff. But what's worse than that is the fact that I simply don't want to share my sister with anyone, not even Kakashi-sensei. He decided to keep it simple and only debate the first issue, since for that topic Jiraiya seemed to be the perfect conversation partner.

"How could you understand, pervy sage? Your thoughts are naughty all the time. But I can't stand my sister and Kakashi making out in front of me." At the thought he gagged.

"I don't think that's how it's gonna be" Jiraiya denied. "During all the years of doing professional research for my popular book series I became quite an expert on interpersonal feelings and relationships." He prided himself. "And from the way they looked at each other, I got the impression that this is much more than a superficial affair. They seem to have a special bond way beyond romance and infatuation."

Somehow, Jiraiya always knew what to say to make his student see the bigger picture.

"Plus, with your ignorant behaviour you really hurt your sister, you know." He concluded his lecture. "At least, give them a chance. They both deserve to be happy, don't you think?"

"Happy" Naruto grunted "If they act like fools or do something disgusting in front of me, I'm out!" And with that, the topic was closed for him.

After a few days of sulking and grumpiness, Naruto finally had calmed down enough to follow his master's advice and was ready to give them a chance. After all, both of them were really important to him. He watched them suspiciously at first and couldn't help but notice how happy his sister looked when Kakashi was around. The ease of their relationship radiated such a heart-warming and calming atmosphere, Naruto even started to think that this must be what having a family must feel like. And so, against all expectations, Naruto adapted to the new situation pretty quickly and actually grew so fond of the idea of them being together, it was him who suggested one evening at dinner that they should get married. And that he, of course, would walk his sister down the aisle.

Completely taken by surprise by this unexpected proposal, Kakashi choked on the last bite of his meal and couldn't stop coughing. Hajita simply stared at her little brother with an open mouth. She blinked several times at him before she finally found her voice again.

"Naruto... this is something Kakashi and I have not talked about yet..." Hajita stumbled around and avoided looking at Kakashi who was still gasping for air.

Naruto then turned to look directly at his former teacher, an unusual stern expression on his face. "Kakashi-sensei, if you love my sister and are serious about this relationship, I don't know why you should wait any longer. As a shinobi, you never know what tomorrow brings."

Sounding more like himself again, he added "And besides that, you are not the youngest anymore, ya know."

With that, he thanked his older sister for the food, stood up and left for his last training session of the day. As soon as Naruto was gone, Hajita started busying herself with cleaning the table and washing the dishes before awkward silence could spread between Kakashi and her. But to her great surprise, it did not take long for Kakashi to break the silence.

"I think your brother's right."

Hajita froze. Not believing her ears, she slowly turned to look at the man she loved sitting in his ever-so-calm manner at the dinner table looking at something far away, deeply lost in thought.

"You know, most of the times, all Naruto does is fool around and act without second thought. And then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he appears to be the wisest person I know." Kakashi stated.

Hajita nodded in silence as she knew exactly what he meant.

"So, Uzumaki, Hajita." He calmly continued in his usual matter-of-fact tone. "What do you say? Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

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