Better than that

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Author'snote: This chapter feels like a kind of "filler chapter". I just didn't feel like writing something serious, so I came up with some light-hearted fluff. It's not really necessary for the plot, so if you don't like this kind of stuff, feel free to leave it out ;)

The news of their engagement had travelled miraculously fast throughout Konoha and even beyond its borders. I guess when the Yondaime's long lost daughter gets engaged to one of the most renown green-leaf-shinobi of all time people get nosey, Hajita shrugged as she opened yet another Congratulations Card. They had received blessings and good wishes from all parts of the land of fire and even from some other hidden villages like Kirigakure (where she had lived with Tsunade for a while when she was little). It seemed like everyone was happy for them and saw them as a good match for each other. Everyone but one. Gai was having a hard time accepting their engagement. The night he had received the news he had appeared at their house noticeably drunk in order to challenge Kakashi for one last "duel of love" as he called it. In an (at least from Gai's point of view) intense battle Kakashi honourably won Hajita's hand by tying Gai up completely, making him unable to move. Kakashi shrugged apologetically at Hajita as Gai, finally giving in, started to cry about how he mustn't stand in the way of true love.

With all those different obstacles being overcome, at last Hajita and Kakashi were able to focus on all the necessary preparations. As the wedding was to take place in a month time already, the Hokage had granted them (and the other members of Team Kakashi) the weeks off to get everything done. Sadly, the day after the wedding, Team Kakashi should already start its first mission. Hajita had known what she had signed up for when she had agreed to marrying one of the world's best shinobi, so she tried not to worry too much about tomorrow. Instead, she was determined to make the most out of their free days. She wanted to spend as much time with her fiancée as possible without giving her little brother the feeling of being left out. So she and Kakashi-kun would spend their days together while in the evenings she challenged Naruto to Ramen-eating contests until Ichiraku-san would cry because they had devoured all of his supplies or she took them both out on Karaoke nights (where it was hard to judge who suffered more – Kakashi's reputation or Hajita's ears).

As their last free day happened to be an exceptionally hot day in Konohagakure, Hajita came up with the idea of taking a day trip to the beach. Naruto and Kakashi both knew there was no point in arguing with her when she had set her mind on something. So they complied and made their way to the beach. At Naruto's request (and because she knew he was having a huge crush on her), Hajita even had arranged for Sakura to come with them.
When they arrived at the beautiful beach, the boys started to set up their parasol while Hajita and Sakura laid out their prepared Bentos, serving a sumptuous picnic. After having finished their meal, Naruto, who of course had eaten the biggest amount, yawned and started to make himself a little too comfortable on the blanket for Hajita's taste.

"Ok, enough of this lazy post-food-coma." Hajita stated. She started to rummage around in her beach bag and pulled out a volleyball. Without hesitation, she threw it with full force against her brother's head.

"Ow! You can be really annoying, ya know?" He barked at his older sister.

"Sure, sure." She answered, supressing a smile. "I say Game's on! Boys against girls? What do you think, Sakura?"

"We are SO going to crush you" Sakura declared, her hand balled into a fist and a determined look on her face.

After their game (girls won because they managed to divert Naruto's attention to some hot young girls in the water nearby for a brief moment and also because Kakashi feared the aftermath of Hajita's mood whenever she lost) they all decided to cool down and go for a swim. Naruto and Sakura were already in the water still arguing about whether or not the girl's victory had been fair, while Hajita and Kakashi stayed behind. Hajita had been cleaning up their little picnic at first and was now packing away all their belongings back into her bag. Unlike her little brother, she liked it neat and tidy. Kakashi, who had waited patiently for her to be done, had changed to his Bermuda shorts in the meantime and was now looking expectantly at her. When she started to take off her shirt, Hajita could feel his eyes on her every move, not leaving her for the tiniest second.

Why is he staring at me like that? Hajita wondered. He already has seen me completely naked when he bathed me after my injuries, for crying out loud! She thought irritated. What is up with him now? Back then he never really seemed to care about my body too much, her inner conscience started nagging and a feeling of self-doubt overcame her. During these baths Kakashi had always looked so focused and concentrated as if on a mission. Except for her cheeks burning, nothing had ever happened back then. She never had asked herself why that was, but now that she was thinking about it, the lack of physicality in their relationship made her sceptical. Either he was too focused on my injuries and on trying not to hurt me OR he simply isn't interested in any kind of physical relationship, Hajita pondered. Even though Kakashi sometimes was under the impression that she could look right through him, Hajita frequently had no idea what was really going on inside his head. This very moment she would have given anything to be able to see what he was thinking. All she knew was that he had never looked at her that way before. That strange burning sensation in his onyx eyes really started to make her nervous. That doesn't look like a lack of interest now, she thought and sheepishly smiled to herself. Completely flustered by this thought and Kakashi-kun's on-going intense gaze her cheeks started to turn crimson.

It's a good thing Naruto is already in the water, Kakashi thought and tried to distract himself by thinking about something else. He couldn't explain what it was. It wasn't the first time he saw her body. But during the baths when she had been injured, it had been different. He had noted her beautiful figure yes, but somehow, he had thought of it as his duty to care for her and not to grope her like some perv. But now that she was happy and healthy again, she looked so glowing, he simply couldn't take his eyes off of her. The longer he looked at her, the clearer the image inside his head got. He found himself being the protagonist of his own Make-Out-Paradise Love Story. The only difference to Icha Icha Paradise was the pain-in-the-ass character aka her little brother, who pulled Kakashi back from his fantasies by calling out to them.

"Hey, you slowpokes!" Naruto yelled. "Are you coming or what?"

Kakashi ignored his nagging as usual and continued to gaze at his now noticeably blushing fiancée. He just couldn't help but think once again about all the love stories he had read for the last couple of years. Suddenly, the most dazzling smile started to spread across his face.
Who would have thought, he mused, that in reality it would actually even get better than that.

Never say Never (Kakashi x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant