What's stopping you?

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*one month later*

                Nothing too drastic had happened over the last month, jay and Abbie were stronger then ever, Kim and Adam had finally resolved whatever lingering beef they had since Kim's miscarriage and Kevin was starting to take a liking to Vanessa.  Tyler is now 16 and more annoying then ever but she wouldn't change him for the world, besides, he's a double of her. The only difference between their sibling bond is that Tyler now towers over her, since Abbie only stands at around 5'5 she's a lot shorter than Tyler who's 6'0 already.

The team were sat at work in their usual placements, Kevin and Abbie opposite each other, Kim and Adam opposite each other, Vanessa planted next to abbies desk and jay and hailey in the far corner. They were cracking on with ploughing through their endless piles of paperwork when hank walked out into the bullpen, "alright guys, head out. Good work today" he nodded at them all then wandered downstairs to go find trudy. They all smiled and sighed in relief, today was long and they were ready for rest, Abbie noticed jay signalling to the locker room so she nodded and got up to go wait for him in the locker room.

                "Everything okay?" She smiled as he finally joined her, jay nodded but tilted his head, "hailey wants me to have a drink with her at a bar downtown, she said she wants to tell me something important..." he sighed.  Abbie nodded, "go with her, she's your partner, if she needs you then she needs you" she smiled.  Jay raised his eyebrows a little, "what about movie night?" He pouted, Abbie laughed a little, "jay we can do movie night tomorrow, it's no big deal. Just go be with hailey and if you wanna come back to my place afterwards, my doors open" she smiled.  Jay smiled back, "you're the best" he pointed at her while walking out of the locker room, Abbie just laughed, "I know" she shrugged sarcastically.

Abbie didn't really mind, she knew hailey wasn't malicious and she wouldn't take someone's man from another woman so she grabbed her things and went home to Tyler since he was probably getting bored, one more thing... He still can't work the oven.  When she got home she heard the pots and pans clattering around in the kitchen, "Tyler?" She called out in confusion, she was relieved when he called back, "it's just me" he shouted back.  She furrowed her brows and walked out into the living room, "what're you doing?" She raised an eyebrow at him and leant on the counter.  Tyler shrugged, "I found out how to use the stove, I wanted pasta" he smirked and held up the cooked plates of pasta. Abbie nodded, "wow, I'm impressed" she smirked back.

Tyler scoffed, "shut up" he couldn't hide his smirk though. Abbie laughed and took the plate from him as he slid it to her, "where's jay?" He looked around. Abbie nodded and began eating the surprisingly delicious pasta, "he had to go somewhere, but he might come over later" she smiled. Tyler nodded and sat down next to her as they talked about their day, he really likes jay, he's like the father figure he's never really had so he really enjoys having that special bond with someone who he can look up to.

Jay arrived at the bar with hailey, "everything alright?" He nodded to his partner as the server walked away with their orders. Hailey nodded but looked down, "I've been offered a job by the feds" she spoke blankly. Jay raised his eyebrows, "really? That's great, where at?" He smiled slightly, sure he was sad that she'd be considering moving units but if it would benefit her then he'd support that decision, "New York" she sighed. Jay nodded, "go on, rip the bandaid off. What'd they offer you?" He tried to lighten the mood. Hailey laughed a little, "okay...argh, joint level task force with the hig, all interrogations, all high level targets" she nodded. Jay sighed in shock, "sure sure sure, is it great pay?" He raised his eyebrows. Hailey smiled and nodded, "it's great pay, honestly, made me a little ashamed of what we get paid" she tilted her head slightly.

                  Jay nodded, "well you'd probably be really good at it" he sighed slightly, facing the fact that this decision was serious and he may lose another partner.  Hailey shrugged, "maybe, I don't know" she shrugged again.  Jay raised an eyebrow, "it's a good job for a good cop" he tapped the table and stood up.  Hailey laughed a little, "you could tell me you don't want me to take it, was an option" she smiled and tilted her head again.  Jay smiled, "I want you to do whatever you wanna do" he nodded.  Hailey smiled and nodded, knowing her partner only had the best interest for her and this opportunity might be the best thing that could ever happen to her, "what's stopping you?" He added.  Hailey shrugged, "I don't know...I guess I'm just afraid of change" she sighed.   Jay nodded, fully understanding where she was coming from, "you gotta do what's gonna be best for you in a few months time, a few years time, in a decade from now. No compensating" he smiled weakly.

                After jay and haileys rather hard conversation at the bar he found himself driving back to abbies place since he really didn't feel like being alone, after all, hailey was gonna take tonight to think about her final decision and let the whole team know tomorrow so it wasn't like he needed to be at home waiting for her phone call. He eventually pulled up outside of abbies beautiful house, the pair were dating but they didn't live together yet, hank knew they were dating by now and he said that he didn't mind as long as they kept it professional during work hours. After a quick few knocks to let her know it was him since they had their own knocking pattern by now, so they could tell it was each other, he let himself in to find the two he treasured more than life itself sat on the couch smiling at him, "hey, you want something to eat?" Abbie stood up. Jay smiled but shook his head, "I'm good thanks" he gave her a quick kiss.

               The pair sat down and talked while Tyler done some more of his homework and studying on the floor below them, "was hails okay?" Abbie looked up at jay as she rested against his side.  Jay nodded, "yeah...she's gonna talk to the whole team about it tomorrow so I'll just let her explain then" he smiled, Abbie nodded, "as long as she's okay" she smiled back then rested her head back down on his shoulder.  Tyler groaned, "who does Shakespeare think he is? This isn't even English it's just a bunch of made up words" he pushed his laptop away.  Abbie laughed, "I wasn't any good at English so I'm no good there ty" she tapped jays knee subconsciously as jay laughed too, "beats me pal, just do what we all done. Use a translator" he smirked at the teenager.  Tyler smirked back and nodded before getting back on with his work.

*hi guys.  I'll try update everyday but some days might be kinda hard to update on. Thank you for reading and I hope you're all doing well :)*

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