I can trust you right?

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The next morning felt like a struggle for getting up, jay knew hailey was gone and she was probably never coming back, apart from the occasional visits, and Abbie was slightly hungover from all of the celebratory drinks last night. Usually Abbie wakes up first but this time jay woke up first, a little behind schedule too, "we're gonna be late" he mumbled out and shook his girlfriend gently. Abbie groaned in response but kept her head in the pillows, "I'll take the last pop tart..." he began to get out of bed. That statement made Abbie roll out of bed literally as she hit the hard floor with a thud, "woah calm down tiger" jay laughed and threw his t-shirt on quickly.

Abbie stood up and covered her eyes from the direct sunlight peeping through her window, "I'm serious about pop tarts" she grabbed a pair of jeans and put them on. Jay laughed, "clearly" he raised an eyebrow but he was interrupted by Abbie bolting past him and darting into the bathroom. He cringed as he heard her throw up, "I think you had one too many Long Island ice teas, you good in there?" He knocked on the bathroom door. After a minute or two Abbie finally opened the door, "no kidding, looks like you can have the pop tart" she smirked and walked past him to go put a shirt on.

Jay just laughed and shook his head as he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth, once the pair were done they got breakfast even though abbies only consisted of an aspirin for the headache and a coffee for an instant energy boost. Jay actually got real food since he didn't go over the top with the drinking, "don't look at me like that, you were the one who insisted you aren't a light weight" he raised an eyebrow at her pouting face. Abbie huffed as they walked out of the house, Tyler was already out so they didn't have to stay quiet, "shut up, I'm not a light weight. Those shots just hit different" she shrugged as they got into jays truck. Jay just laughed in response.

Hank strolled out into the bullpen, this was a moment they were all dreading, "it's gonna take a while to get used to a missing member but you'll be pleased to know I'm not bring anyone into intelligence. I'm just moving the partnerships around a little" he smiled at them all weakly. The full team sat up in their chairs a little, "ruzek and Burgess, you two are staying present" he nodded. The two smiled at each other then waited for his new announcement, "rojas and Atwater, you two will be partners from now on" hank added which made Kevin's eyes light up a little.

Abbie looked at jay hopefully, this day couldn't get any better, "that leaves us with Miller and Halstead, I can trust you right?" He raised an eyebrow as Abbie already got up from her now old desk and began walking over to her boyfriend and now new partner.  Abbie nodded, "of course Sarge" she smiled and sat down at her new desk flashing jay an excited grin.  Hank nodded, "good, now onto today's case..." he changed the subject.  He was fine with them dating, as long as it didn't affect their work abilities, jay smiled back.  He thought that seeing a new person sat in haileys chair would make him sad and anxious but knowing that this amazing woman sat opposite him would be taking over, it made him feel 10x better.

               The first case with the new partnering ran smoothly and hank was left with no worries regarding his decision, the desks had been moved around into a new formation and the best thing for Abbie was the fact that her migraine had gone but one thing she had learned from last night was 'never make drinking bets with Burgess'.  At the end of the day, they all went home and relaxed into whatever pleased them.  For Abbie and jay, that consisted of chilling on the couch with a pizza while Tyler was sleeping at a friends house.  Abbie got curious after a while and looked up at jay.

                "Move in with me" she spat out.  Jay looked down and met her gaze, "yeah?" He tilted his head, her statement was random but calming.  Abbie nodded, "Yeah, I mean, you practically live here anyways and Hanks fine with our relationship so why not?" She smirked.  Jay nodded, "alright then, it's sorted, I'm all yours" he smiled.  Abbie smirked to herself proudly and let out a small chuckle before turning her attention back to the horror film on the TV.  Jay kept his gaze on her for a while before smiling to himself, he couldn't ask for anything more perfect in life, this was all he needed.

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