Chapter 36: Daddy

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It's our first official meeting at the record label, we are all sat around a massive table. Some familiar faces and then some new members. They were all some of the best out there so I'm happy that this company will thrive.

"Okay so we have some artists already interested, Claudia and Fin, you guys can meet with them and if approved, Patrick you can organise a contract" I begin to explain "that's how it will mainly run, everyone knows what they are doing so this should run like clock work" I smile and adjust my shirt.

"Yeah this is going to be hard work but it will pay off and possibly get easier, the more clients we get" Billie adds and she stands next to me. "Any issues, come to myself or Raven." She smiles at me and I nod.

After some time, going through more boring details, we end the meeting. Leaving just Billie and I in the conference room.

"Excited?" I ask and she sighs, looking stressed.

"Yeah, just hoping we find some good people and I need to work on some music to help promote the label" she explains and I walk us to our joint office.

"Well you technically haven't signed a contract as an" I say and sit down, gesturing for her to sit across from me. "Good Afternoon Miss Eilish, I have been told you are interested in joining the label?" I ask and shuffle some papers.

She raises her eyebrows and smiles "yes I am indeed, but I hear the founders are kind of annoying, well one in particular" she says with a smirk.

"I believe I know the one you're on about, she is like 4 feet and blonde? Yeah she is annoying but good in bed" I smirk at her and she throws a pen at me. 

"I'm not 4 foot asshole" she laughs.

I lean over the table slightly and whisper "but you are good in bed" I smile.

"Just good?" She asks and grabs my shirt collar " don't make me bend you over Miss Midnight" she mumbles against my lips, my breath hitches and I blush.

"That would be highly inappropriate" I mumble back and connect our lips.

"Um Raven we nee- oh shit sorry" Emma says as she just walked in on a very heated make out session. We pull away and Billie walks over to her desk laughing. Which is just behind mine, facing the other way so our backs are together.

I walk over to the seating area with Emma.

"So how is it going?" I ask and she then goes into detail on how she is managing the Finance company really well.

"I would ask you the same...but I walked in on it going well" she chuckles.

"Yeah, might be a slight problem" I joke and we both laugh.

After some more talking she leaves and goes back to the Finance office. I continue to do some work on sales and marketing whilst Bil concentrates on her own work.

The rest of the day is spent attending meetings and taking phone calls. Eventually it's time to leave on on my way out I see Billie speaking to a girl I've never seen before. She isn't a client, they are stood outside and when they notice me, Billie ushers her away.

"Who was that?" I ask and Billie just looks at me searching for an answer.

"Just someone I used to know, like way back" she shrugs and I nod, having no reason not to believe her.

"Ready to go home?" I ask and pull her into me.

"Yes, maybe I can get a chance to show you who's really in charge" she whispers and it sends a shiver down my spine. Billie has never been the dominant type, well to her fans she is 'daddy' but never to me.

I kinda fucking love it.


Two small chapters today, i hope you guys arent too confused by the story line. :)

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