Ch. 1 "Shadow"

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                                                Jax POV 

It has been a year since my escape, since I was doing their bidding, since my life was controlled, 

I know make my own choices, which are not no longer on the good side, sure i left the Red room, but I still continued dulling out my own kind of justice, 

Taking on contracts, earning money, living on my own, 

I can't remember much about my life before the Red Room, but I know I did have a family at one point right? 

I mean everyone has a family somewhere, 

I guess that's the lucky thing about being alone and on your own, no one will miss you if you end up dead, 

And that's how it's always been Me and only me, Look out for yourself, the only person you can trust and depend on is you, 

Running, that is how I've always described my life, my entire life I have always been running, weather running for a kill, 

Or something as simple as Running from the truth, 

Lately I've been mostly Running from them, 

They catch on, I skip that town and settle into another one,

But enough about that, 

Right now I am in my assassin outfit, my hood up blocking my face, my sword's on my back, I was perched on a high building, scoping out my target, 

The rain poured down, I didn't mind at all, 

I am on the outskirts of Brooklyn, 

The target is a HYDRA leader, 

After the intel I gathered on this guy no wonder people want him dead, all the lives he's destroyed, 

All the children he's orphaned, 

All the disgusting vial things he's done, 

He deserves more than death, Death is too kind for this man, 

After about three hours, he stumbled out of the bar, 

I smirked under the hood, 

No alcohol in the world would help you forget your demon's I thought, 

I made my way to solid ground following him, he cut down an alley, and stopped and turned around, 

"Your a little small to be out here at this hour," He said amused, 

"My size isn't what you should be worrying about," I said in a dark tone, 

He looked confused, 

I slowly pulled out my swords from my back holsters, they made a metallic sound as I slowly pulled them out of the holsters, 

"What you really should be asking is who am I?" I said 

"W-Who are you?" He asked, 

I slowly walked towards him, the water splashing under my boots, 

I impaled him like a kebab with both of my swords, his eyes wide, 

"They call me...Shadow," I said darkly 

I pulled my swords out of him, blood coating them, the pool of blood that covered the cement after he fell to the ground, 

I put both swords in the holsters and walked out of the alley, 

                                       Third Person POV 

Fury stormed into the room where everyone was relaxing, 

"This is the third on this week!" Fury said slamming the paper on the table 

Nat picked up the paper, 

"The Shadow strikes again" The headline read, 

"The HYDRA leader of the facility in upstate New York," Tony said reading over Nat's shoulder, 

"They found him in an Alley, same cause of death, two sword punctures," Clint said reading next to her, 

"What's the big deal I think this guy is doing us all a favor," Loki said 

"It is a big deal, I can't have no crazy assassin running around the city dropping bodies," Fury said 

He looked at Nat, Clint and Bucky, 

"No offence," He said 

They nodded, 

"So what do you want us to do about it, were kind of busy on the tracking of the other HYDRA facilities," Tony said 

"I don't care put that on the back burner this is priority one," Fury said 

After that he stormed out of the room, 

"So where do we start?" Tony said 

"Me and Clint will check out the crime scene," Nat said 

Tony nodded, 

"Me, Bucky and Sam will check the streets for any witnesses," Steve said 

"I'm going to check what they found on the body in the system," Tony said walking out of the room, 

With that the Avengers made that catching the Shadow was their number one priority, 

                                           Jax POV 

I was in my run down apartment, watching the news, they were talking about my recent contract, 

I smirked, 

I looked down at my burner phone at my account under a fake name, seeing all the numbers in my account from the kill, 

My name maybe Jaxon Hale but it's shadow, that keeps me alive I thought 

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