Ch. 35 "Captured"

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                                                Jax POV 

It was past 3AM. I was in upstate New York. 

It was dark the only light you could see was from the full moon in the sky. 

I took out all the HYDRA agents on the roof. 

I opened the sky light looking inside. 

No one was around... 

This was odd..

I shrugged it off. 

Jumping inside landing in a squatting position with my hands between my ankles. 

I looked around still not seeing anyone. this was odd.. very odd... 

HYDRA is many things but not stupid enough to leave one of their top facilities unguarded. 

I sneak past security and other offices. until I find the computer room. 

I started typing on the main computer sticking the thumb drive in the computer. 

"Where are you hiding?" I mumbled as I kept looking through the files

These people are going to pay if it's the last thing I do.

                                       Nat POV 

We've been on the hunt for Jax for weeks with no luck it's like she freaking fell off the face of the earth.. 

I guess if anyone is good at staying hidden it would be Jax. her code name is Shadow so I really shouldn't be surprised...

I was in the computer room looking into any possible lead but dead end. dead end. never ending dead ends. 

I was looking at the last sighting of Jax on video. in her shadow attire. 

"Where are you??" I mumbled 

I hear the door open. 

"Still at it?" I hear Bucky

I nodded

"If I know Jax she's still on her war path." I said 

"Yeah. kid is hard headed." Bucky said 

"I am to blame for what she's become. she trusted me. and I left her. I left her to those monsters knowing full well what they were doing. she was just a kid. she didn't deserve that." I said 

"Nat you can't blame-" Bucky said 

"Yes I can... she trusted me.. and I betrayed that trust.." I said 

"Look I get it. but blaming yourself. this isn't helping find Jax." Bucky said 

"I know it's not but-" I began suddenly the computer started beeping 

I turned around and see Jax on the screen in her shadow attire 

"Where is that?" Bucky said 

"Upstate New York HYDRA facility." I said 

"Lets go." Bucky said 

"We'll never make it in time." I said 

"Yes we will." He said sternly 

                                       Jax POV 

Finally I found what I was looking for. 

"Got you.." I mumbled pulling out the thumb drive

But suddenly I felt a jab in the back of my neck and everything went black...

I am suddenly woken by cold ass water. making me gasp awake. I couldn't move any of my limbs. 

In fact I was laying flat on my back looking up at a ceiling. 

"Ah awake finally." I hear 

I turn my head to the left seeing some dude in a lab coat. don't know who he is and don't really care. 

"Now we can begin." He said 

"What are you talking about?" I said with Venom

"You are going to be a test subject for a little device I've been working on. since you've been such a inconvenience to me." He said walking towards me with a metal looking band. 

"Like hell I am." I said 

He chuckled 

"Good I like a little fight in them." He said smirking 

Looks like I bit off more than I could chew on this one I thought as he slowly approached me with whatever this thing was.

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