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                   Third person POV

Everyone was relaxing it was late and was raining and gloomy outside,

Those who weren't relaxing were Concentrating on trying to find Jax,

When suddenly Peter barged in the room with Jax in his arms.

"Mr Stark! Mr. Stark! Help!!" Peter said in a panic

Everyone who heard the commotion came running in the room seeing how bad shape she was in.

"What the hell happened?" Bucky asked as Tony took Jax from Peter's arms

"She was rescuing people from a burning building," Peter said in a panic

"Alright kid calm down we're going to take care of her," Tony said walking at a brisk pace towards the lab

"Friday tell Bruce to meet me in the lab ASAP!" Tony said in a panic

"Of course sir" the AI responded

                   Jax POV

The sheer pain I was in was well was indescribable, but let me tell you I think I would rather be stabbed,

My heavy eyelids flutter open only to be blinded by a very bright light,

I groaned,

I looked down seeing my arms were wrapped so were my hands pretty much there wasn't a part of me that wasn't wrapped in gauze,

The machine beeping at a steady beat of my heart could be heard in the background

A oxygen mask over my mouth and nose, I slowly moved my left hand to remove it but somebody stopped me,

"Leave it you inhaled too much smoke from the fire." I hear

I slowly turn my head and see Nat

She looked relieved and yet pissed off at the same time that is how I know this is serious,

I blinked slowly trying to clear my vision trying to make sense of why she even cares and yet she's still here worried,

"Tasha..." I said with a raspy voice

Avengers Always RunningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang