Ch. 5 "Talk"

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                                                     Jax POV 

My heavy eyelids flutter open, the blinding light hurt my head severely I close my eyes again, I try to move my hand and turns out I can't I open my eyes again, 

I take in my surroundings I am in a interrogation room, 

I look down and see that my wrist are cuffed to the top of the table, 

I smirked, I could get out of this easily, just dislocate my thumb and wrist, 

But as soon as I was about to attempt it the door opened, I see the one and only Nick Fury, walk in, 

He sat in the chair across from me, 

"Good morning Jaxon," He said 

He placed a folder on the table looked to be about ten inches thick, 

He opened it paging through it, 

"You've been busy," He said 

"I have my moments," I said coldly 

"Cut the crap, I want to know what you are looking for," He said glaring at me, 

I stretched my fingers looking at my nails, 

"I don't know what you mean?" I said blankly

"You broke into a HYDRA facility, killed every HYDRA agent in there, clearly you are looking for something, this isn't your typical MO," He said 

"I got bored thought I would up my game, now do you want me to tell you about your hobbies?" I said smirking at him, 

"Like wrangling a bunch of heroes in tights like a herd of cattle," I said 

"I do not herd them," He said 

"Right, Right, your just here to be their side line cheerleader," I said 

Suddenly I hear a loud thud on the other side of the glass and uncontrollable laughter, 

"I am no one's cheerleader," He said getting angry, 

Good I want him angry, 

"Then what, you their therapist because I have to be honest they must not be paying you much to dress like that," I said 

"Enough! you are going to tell me!" He said slamming his hands on the table 

"Or what?" I said glaring at him, 

"Or you are going to be staying here until you do," He said glaring at me, 

"Good enough for me I could use a vacation," I said leaning back in the chair, 

He stood up and stormed out of the room, 

                                      Nat POV 

We were all still behind the glass watching, Tony was still laughing about her cheerleader comment, 

"She may kill people, but that was hilarious," Tony said wiping the tears away 

Fury walked in clearly angry from the conversation, 

"I told you she's not going to crack, she's been trained, since she was four," I said crossing my arms, 

"Then you go talk to her," Fury said 

"I don't think that will work either, she's still pretty angry with me leaving," I said 

"What's the matter afraid of a teenager?" He said 

I glared 

"No," I said 

                                         Jax POV 

I smirked 

Well that was entertaining, I thought as I leaned back in the chair, 

Suddenly the door opened, and Tasha walked in, 

She sat down across from me, 

"Aren't I entitled to a phone call?" I asked tilting my head, 

"Who would you call?" She said confused, 

"Better entertainment that's for sure," I mumbled 

"Cut the crap Jax, what are you looking for?" She asked 

"No hello I'm a little hurt," I said smirking, 

"Please you don't feel hurt," She said 

"Your right I don't, in matter of fact I don't feel a thing since you left, since I had to face that hell my self alone," I said glaring at her, 

She looked a bit shocked at how my tone changed from amused to dark, 

"What are you really that surprised?" I said coldly 

"Jax please what are you looking for?" She said 

"Save your please, I don't trust you with that information," I said leaning forward, 

"In a matter of fact I don't trust anyone," I said 

"And I wouldn't want it any other way, less likely getting stabbed in the back, isn't that right Tasha?" I said 

                                                      Nat POV

I see the anger and darkness in her eyes, and I know I'm the reason for this, I did this, 

I broke that trust when I left her to the wrath of the red room, 

I need to fix this, she's just a kid, she shouldn't have this much hate, I have to fix this somehow, I'm not sure how, but I am going to fix this, and gain her trust back, somehow... I thought 

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