Ch. 23 "Settle this"

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                                                                 Jax POV 

It has been a few weeks, and I'm getting the sense that something is going on, something strange and I don't like it, 

Currently I am standing on the roof of the tower, as it stormed, the rain pouring down hard, rain every really bothered me, 

What would Wade tell me in this situation? 

Oh right, either kill them or play a better game at what they are playing, 

I smirked 

And I've got the sense it has something to do with Bug boy appearing everywhere I've been, from hiding in the library, 

To beating the crap out of a punching bag, 

The thunder cracked loud, 

I looked up at the sky as the rain fell on my face, 

I need to figure a way out of this situation, I need to continue setting out my goal on revenge, pay back, vengeance take your pick, they all end the same way, 

Someone dying by my blade, 

They all deserve it, 

And I'm going to make sure of that if it's the last thing I do, 

"You know brooding isn't a good look on you," I hear, 

I slowly turn my head to see Tasha, 

"What are you doing here?" I said 

"Well you are standing on a roof in the middle of a storm," She said 

"So I'm not allowed to leave the tower, you saying I'm not allowed to spend my free time doing as I please?" I said 

"That's not what I said," She said 

I didn't respond, 

"Why don't we go back inside it's cold and wet out," She said 

"Go ahead this the only taste of freedom I get, so I'm going in when I'm good and ready," I said 

Sure I'm being a bitch, but I have the right to, first off, Tasha left me to deal with the red room on my own, 

Then she finds out I'm the one taking down contracts and HYDRA and employees of the red room, 

They chase me, drug me, I escape, they chase me again, drug me again and now I can't even leave, 

I feel like a caged bird, Sure I can fly around, but I'm not free, 

"Look I get it your frustrated," She said 

"I am beyond frustrated," I said darkly 

"Look Jax I know you-" She began this caused me to glare at her, 

"Really we haven't seen each other since you left when I was eight, haven't heard from you in years and now that by some miracle we end up meeting again, and you still have the nerve to tell me you know me?" I said glaring at her, 

"Yes, Jax because weather you want to admit it or not, you are still you, and deep down under that anger you just want someone to give a shit about you," She said 

Now I was pissed, I spun around, glaring at her, 

"No it's not and I'm going to tell you why, I don't give a damn if someone hates me, because I would rather have someone hate me and expect a stab than to think that they actually care and stab you in the back," I said glaring at her, 

"Look I get it your pissed at me," She said 

"What would give you that idea," I said 

"Look what do I have to do to make you see how sorry I am?" She said 

"Are you seriously begging right now?" I asked 

"I'm not begging, I'm asking," She said 

"Alright how about we settle this how we used to settle everything," I said smirking, 

Her eyes widen, 

"You mean?" She asked 

I nodded, 

"Be ready in ten minute and meet me in the training room," I said as I walked back in the tower,  smirking finally getting to let my frustration and anger out on her, 

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