Ch. 15 "Attitude"

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                                              Jax POV 

I looked at Tasha like she completely lost her mind, 

So not long after she walked in the room she opened the door of the cage, or cell or whatever you want to call this freaking thing, 

She told me that that I'm allowed out of the cell but I'm to be monitored at all time, 

So here I am looking at her like she's got three heads, 

"Don't look at me like that," She said 

"How could I not? you are telling me that I'm not allowed to go anywhere without someone present, I think you lost your mind," I said tapping my temple 

"Says the girl who has been on a rampage," She said as we walked, 

"Right like you haven't done that before," I said rolling my eyes, 

"So do those rules only apply to you?" I asked, 

"Stop being cute," She said annoyed, 

"I'm not being cute, I'm being realistic," I said 

"Look I get it your pissed you want a way to express that-" She began, 

"Oh no, no, no I'm beyond pissed, and I'm not expressing it, I'm Dueling out what needs to be done," I said 

"What is that exactly?" She asked looking at me, 

"Exacting my revenge, justice, vengeance, take your pick which ever one you do they all end the same way," I said 

"That's not how we do things," She said 

"You mean you and the pansies in tights and goody two shoes, hate to break it too you but I'm not part of your girl scout club," I said 

"Well weather you like it or not, you are here and stuck here, you run we will find you, and your going to follow the rules," She said glaring at me, 

"Ohh, look at that Tasha taking responsibility that's the first," I said 

Tasha stopped 

"Look I get it you are pissed at me, I left, but I did come back but at that point, they moved on," She said 

"Sure you did," I said continuing to walk, 

Tasha grabbed me by the wrist, 

"Look I get it you don't want to be here, but like it or not your stuck here," She said 

"Thanks for the obvious," I said rolling my eyes, 

I hear her sigh, 

"Follow me," She said 

I followed her into the office of one Director Fury, 

"Jaxon," He said 

"Pirate man," I said crossing my arms, 

He grumbled 

"Sit we have much to discuss," He said 

So since I didn't have much of a choice, I sat across from the desk he was at, I crossed my arms,  

This should be good, I thought as I looked at him, 

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