Ch. 9 "Hard way"

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                                              Jax POV 

"Well?" Barnes asked, 

I smirked, 

"Hard way," I said 

I threw my smoothie in Barnes face and did a summersault wrapping my thighs around his neck throwing him to the ground, hard, 

Rogers put his hand on my shoulder, I grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm and knocked the back of his knees out from under him and slammed his head against the bench, 

Tasha went to punch me, but I dodged, I bounced my feet off the bench I went to kick her in the head, but she rolled out of the way, She tried to punch me, I caught her fist flipping her over my shoulder, but she regained her ground, 

"Impressive," She said 

"You think I really would forget my training?" I asked 

She went to kick and I dodged, I went to punch, she also dodged, 

I did a summersault about to kick her but she rolled out of the way, 

"You sure you want to keep this up? we could always just talk," She said out of breath, 

"Were way past talking," I said glaring at her, 

"Would it help if I said I was sorry?" She asked as she dodged another one of my moves, 

"Not even close," I said 

she went to kick me and I ducked, 

"What are you looking for?' She said as I went to road house kick her but she caught it, 

"None of your business," I said kicking her with my other foot making her stumble back, 

I took that as I my chance and took off running, it wouldn't be long before the avengers come in or the two super soldiers coming back to the world of consciousness, I thought 

I hear the footsteps, 

I knew it was Tasha, I needed to lose her, and I know that wasn't going to be easy since she's got a lot more experience and far more advanced than I am, 

I jumped onto a fire escape and climbed up to the roof of a building, and started jumping roof to roof, 

I was doing pretty good until I ran out of roof, I looked back to see Tasha, 

Well might as well, I thought looking down at the dumpster, 

"Jax don't!" She yelled 

With that I jumped landing in the dumpster but my wrist caught the side of the dumpster, 

"Bitch!" I mumbled as I held my left wrist, 

I looked up seeing Tasha looking pissed, 

I jumped out of the dumpster and took off running toward Wade's home, 

I am not letting them get in my way, not when I feel like I'm close to finding the truth, nothing, no one is going to stop me from finding it, 

Not HYDRA, not the avengers and definitely not the Red Room, 

I am going to find the truth no matter what it takes, I thought as I ran down the street holding my wrist close to my chest, 

Not even a hurt wrist is stopping me not this time, I thought 

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