Ch. 28 "Rescue"

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                                            Jax POV 

It's been a few days since my little pow wow with Wade, I am currently back on track to tracking down the red room, 

Making sure each and everyone of them paying for even working with them, I thought 

I am currently walking down the street, it was dark, the only light that could be saw was from the moon, it was quiet that was until, I hear Police sirens and fire sirens ambulance sirens, 

I follow the sirens, and that's when I see it a huge fire, two story home on fires, 

"Has anyone seen my baby! where is my little girl!" I hear a woman bellow, 

Just before I jump into action, 

I see a familiar figure, 

One of Madame B's dogs 

She smiled at me, and did a two finger salute and slowly walked away from the scene, 

Damn it! I thought 

I made a quick decision running past all the first responders, 

"Hey! don't the blaze is too hot!" I hear, 

The front door was open, but a beam was at a angle just about to fall, I slide under the beam just in time for it to fall, 

Good thing I have a mask over the bottom half of my face, 

I kept low, looking for the child, 

I hear crying on the upper levels 

I keep my feet light, and movements quick and steady, it was so hot, but I didn't care this kid needed a chance, 

You could hear the crackling from the embers of the fire breaking down the wood of the home, 

"cough, cough, Mommy!" I hear a child yell, 

I approach the little girl, she gasped, 

I kneeled in front of her, 

"It's okay, I'm going to get you out of here," I said 

She sniffled and ran to me hugging me, 

"I'm scared," She said 

I picked her up, 

"Don't be," I said 

I run down the hall only for a beam to fall a mere feet from me causing the little girl to scream, 

I run the other way taking the spiral metal steps, 

I see that all the exits were blocked, 

"Were trapped," She cried 

"No were not," I said 

I made sure to shield her body, as I got a running start, and jumping through the glass window, tucking and rolling, still shielding her body, 

"Mommy!" The little girl yelled as I sat her on her feet, 

"Angie!" The mother yelled hugging her daughter, 

I started walking away, as I coughed, 

"Jax?" I hear, 

I turn around seeing Peter in his spider man, uniform, 

"Little late to the party huh lover boy," I said as I continued coughing, 

He grabbed my wrist looking at my arm, 

I now see the burns and shards of glass that covered me, 

"Get me out of here lover boy," I said in a exhausted tone, 

He nodded, he wrapped my arm around his neck, and picked me up bridal style and with that he used a web to get us out of there, 

I must have inhaled too much smoke, because I'm extremely tired, I thought 

With that my eyelids slowly flutter shut, 

"Jax!" Was the last thing I hear before submitting to the darkness,

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