Ch. 27 "Old Times"

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                                                    Jax POV 

Me and Wade were back to back surrounded, in our suits, each thug armed to the teeth, 

"You know when you said fun this isn't exactly what I had in mind runner," He said punching a guy in the head, 

I looked over my shoulder smirking, 

"What's your idea of fun? Getting drunk off your ass and hooking up with some hookers?" I said kicking one of the men in the head, 

"Well yeah.." He said 

"Typical," I said tackling another guy, 

"You know I know you've been under a lot of stress but I can still feel your judeyness from here," He said 

"Didn't take you as the sensitive type," I said punching the other guy, 

"I'm not, just not used to it coming from you," He said as he in-paled a guy with his swords, 

"Don't tell me your getting all sentimental on me," I said 

"Of course not!" He said 

You see I took Wade to this down town sleezy dive, we were just minding our own business, and some dude started shit with me, and I ended up breaking his teeth on the bar, and well here we are causing a huge fight, 

The big guy tried hitting me but I dodged it, hitting him upside the head with a wooden chair, causing him to stumble a bit, then I road house kicked them that he shattered the front window that he was hanging outside of the building, 

I dusted my hands, 

"And I thought this was going to be a challenge," I said 

"Don't get cocky over there," I hear Wade, 

Seeing him having trouble 

"Having trouble with the two men?" I said smirking, 

"Then you take them," He said 

"Fine by me," I said smirking, 

I got a running start, and did a summersault, wrapping my legs around the massive guy's neck bring him down to the ground so hard the tile on the floor cracked,

I was now kneeling in front of the guy and punched him, knocking him out, 

I see the other guy running at him sliding under his legs, and knocking his knees out from under him with my food, jumping on his back wrapping my arms around his neck cutting off his oxygen, he backed into a wall slamming me into it, but that only made me hang on tighter, 

his arms swung wildly, until he finally collapsed 

I dusted myself off, 

I looked around seeing all the damage we both caused, 

"Your telling me that you didn't find that fun," I said smirking, 

"Okay, Okay you got me, that was great," He said chuckling, 

We hear sirens, 

"We better get out of here before the cops show up, I don't want to explain this one," Wade said 

I chuckled, 

"I second that," I said we both walked over all the unconscious and injured men and walked out of the building,  

Have to say this is just like old times with Wade, I thought smirking as we made our way back to his place,

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