Ch. 37 "Three months"

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                                           Jax POV 

It has been exactly three months since I've become a freaking controlled puppet to HYDRA. taking down anyone in my path. 

I have faced Tasha and the avengers defeating them each time. 

The sad part is they think I'm doing this on my free will. but I'm not. 

Sure I am many things. But I would never take a life of an innocent. 

Being stuck like this has given me time to think. Think about my choices. my life and I have to say this is the one thing I do regret. 

I should have known something was off. I should have been more alert. 

Currently I was on the roof of a major computer company. I am required to obtain a chip for who the hell knows what. 

It was pouring down rain. after taking down each and everyone of the security guards. I looked for my way in. 

Through the air vent. 

I continued crawling for a while until I am where the chip is. it was heavily guarded. 

I jumped out of the vent landing on one of the guards. 

"Shadow!" One of the guards yelled 

Yeah did I forget my entire reputation has been ruined due to freaking HYDRA. I am supposed to be feared by HYDRA and the RedRoom not the public!

I slowly pulled out my Katana's 

"Drop your weapons!" Another guard yelled 

I charged they started shooting. 

I dodged the bullets. 

Cutting each and everyone of the guards down. I didn't kill them because HYDRA said to take them down. not kill them thankfully 

I smashed the glass that was protecting the chip. putting it in my boot. 

"Good work get back here." I hear him say in my ear piece 

I nodded 

I make my way back to the roof. but as I got to the roof something hit me so hard that I ended up rolling a few times. 

I braced myself on my hands and knees shaking my head to rid myself of the dizziness. 

I stand up looking around for who the hell hit me and with what. I see a sword at my feet.

Wait I know that sword. 

I scanned the roof and there he stood. 

"Hey there runner been busy haven't you?" Wade said dressed as Deadpool. 

My facial expression didn't change because frankly it couldn't due to being controlled. 

But on the inside I wanted to cry. 


"This ends now Runner your coming with me awake or not" He said not sounding happy 

Just great..

"Take him." He said in my com

Shit.. I thought 

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