𝐄𝐌𝐎; Bokuto Koutarou

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That morning Bokuto had been fine. He had greeted you like always with a tight hug and a peck on the cheek as you both walked to school hand in hand with his dear friend Akaashi walking closely behind. When your teacher had asked you and your friend to get some papers from Bokuto’s classroom you had happily given him a wave. He had responded however his hair seemed to flop as he forced a smile before staring back at the piece of paper on his desk, with his lips formed into a small pout. You frowned a little worried what had gotten your boyfriend down and decided to ask him during break.

Like always when you would go to Bukuto’s class during break to share a snack or two only to have  his classmates inform you he had left as soon as the bell rang thinking he had gone to you for a change. You looked around the canteen thinking he had maybe gone to get some food, but you couldn’t find him anywhere. You had asked Akaashi as you passed his classroom who had no idea where the over energetic volleyball captain had gone.

Slumped and still concerned for your boyfriend you went back to class not wanting to be late and made a firm decision to find him during lunch. When your teacher had set you off on a task you rushed through it quickly and half heartedly planning on how to find your boyfriend who seemed to be going through one of his emo moods. The first time you had encountered the emo Bokuto you had become extremely worried only for the teams setter and emo mood expert to tell you it was normal, and it was nothing to worry about. He had told you different ways to improve his mood so Bokuto would go back to being his cheery self. It had now become a norm for you too and you were able to improve your boyfriends mood with reassuring words or a kiss on the lips but seeing as though he was avoiding you it seemed to be a rather more serious case.

Knowing your boyfriend when upset would like to hide in small and quiet places which didn’t help narrow down a specific area in your school. You sighed as you scratched your forehead to think further on ow to find your boyfriend and help with whatever had got him down. You decided to first check the gym followed by the club room seeing as though it was one of Bokuto’s favourite places on the school ground thinking of other places to check if he wasn’t there.

When the bell rang you quickly gathered your things throwing them into your bag and ran towards your gym ignoring your friend who urged you to eat first. As you got to the gym you noticed it was occupied by another sports team, so you hurriedly ran up the stairs pushing pass the people to get to the clubroom. You knocked on the door informing whoever may be inside that you were coming in to get no reply.

Pushing open the door your eyes skimmed around the room in a hurry. Your eyes were quick to miss the small grey coloured locks which poked up from behind one of the chairs until you did a double take. “Bo!” you sighed out in relief dropping your bag and making your way to your boyfriend who was crouched behind one of the chairs seeing as though he wasn’t able to fit under the table.  He mumbled a small yes not attempting to look at you as he kept his head face down buried in his legs which were upright.

“What’s wrong Bo, talk to me?” you cooed cupping his face and holding it up so you could see his lips pouted into a frown again. “Some guys said I’m too childish and you will eventually find someone else when I leave for college next year.” He mumbled as his hair began to flop more at the thought. Bokuto was a ear older than you making him ready for college at the end of the year as you would be starting the third year along with Akaashi. Of course, the long distance was going to be an issue but you knew the two of you would be able to manage. His childlike personality which some may find annoying was what attracted you to him in the first place. His smile and personality were all so pure and innocent that you wanted to protect him and do whatever you could to keep him happy.

“Bo, why would you listen to them when its not true?” you frowned not hesitating to show your love for him by giving a peck on the lips. His mood had quickly changed by your reassuring words knowing for them to be true and pulled you into a hug. You giggled quickly wrapping your arms around him stroking his back.  You squealed a little as he got up lifting you in the process spinning slightly to show his happiness.

After school Bokuto had came to pick you up from class to walk you to the gym seeing as though you wait for him so the two of you could walk home together. You passed by a boy from your class last year who happened to be the cause of Bokuto’s emo phase as told by Bokuto himself. The boy also happened to be the guy you rejected seeing as though you had feelings for your current boyfriend.

The group didn’t hesitate to make another comment hoping to put Bokuto down but he happily held your hand continuing to pass by. “They’re just jealous you could get more than one girl without trying Bo.” You continued to hype up your boyfriend who deserved it really. Your boyfriends mood had improved since lunch dramatically and your words just made him ramble on how he was one of the coolest guys in school not forgetting to reassure you that he only had eyes for you. You chuckled saying you knew giving his hand a tight squeeze turning around to stick your middle finger up to the boys who had ruined your boyfriends mood that afternoon.

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