𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑; Semi Eita

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This is angst
Enjoy :D

You sat beside one of your friends trying not to pay attention to the couple in front of you. Your long term best friend was dating Semi someone you had developed a crush on over the years. You had befriended the grey haired setter during your first year after you had gone to the gym in attempts to find something you had dropped. The following day he had come to your classroom saying where he had found it. His kindness was hidden by the usual look on his face and you couldn’t deny his beauty made you insecure. From that day the two of you had formed friendship.

Semi had then met your best friend, you had known her since you were kids as she always looked out for you since you were the shyer one. You noticed that whenever you were around Semi became much quieter and you worried he felt uncomfortable with you bringing your friend around without asking him first. You had questioned him about it and he pushed it off by saying how sweet you were, your cheeks turning red and he ruffled your hair. Yet you denied having a crush on him for god knows what reason claiming it as nothing more then a strong friendship.

Your best friend would often tease you about him but you would always deny it. When you finally accepted the crush you had on Semi your friend had come skipping to you that morning saying Semi had accepted her confession. She had always been bold not worrying about rejection and she had finally found the perfect man. Your friend deserved nothing but the best and that was Semi so why where you so hurt? You pushed the regret of not understanding your feelings sooner and congratulated her. She told you with tinted cheeks how she had a small crush on him but never did anything thinking the two of you had liked eachother.

You were now in your third year sitting opposite the couple which were going strong. Semi smiled softly at your friend who was leaning her head on his shoulder. Semi would smile more often whenever she was around. She was the cause of his happiness and motivation. You looked down at your food no longer feeling hungry pushing the tray away asking one of the others if they wanted to eat. “Are you not well you haven’t been eating properly?” Semi asked seeing you push your food away once again. You shrugged it off saying you were fine but your throat was getting dryer as you tried not to cry.

The guilt of liking the your best friends boyfriend was haunting you. You had tried again and again to get over him, but his sweet gentle personality always drew you back. You knew pushing yourself away would only hurt you more and you weren’t ready to lose the friends who cared about you the most. Tendou knew you were suffering he saw the unrequited love in your eyes so he called you asking if you would join him in getting a snack from the vending machine. You nodded following closely behind the red haired who didn’t know how to lighten up the situation.


Years had passed and you were surprised you still felt the same as you walked in with one of the groomsmen. Semi and your friend were going to show their commitment to one another celebrating the occasion with their family and friends. After high school you had minimised meeting up with the two in which it would cause you to be a third wheel. It seemed like a bitchy move but you simply wanted to get over Semi as it felt like a crime to like him. Yet here you were standing on one side as your friend walked down the aisle beautifully dressed all eyes on her. Semi held in his breath as his soon to be wife came and stood beside him a bright smile on her face. The look on his face told you how much he loved her.

You couldn’t help but think what if you had recognised your feelings first? What if you had told him you liked him would he have liked you back? Would you have been the one to stand beside him celebrating your love? But as Semi spoke his vows you knew all the answers to your what ifs were a no. Semi loved your friend dearly and he as he said no matter what he would always find his way back to her because she was his home his soulmate. You knew not to feel insecure it just wasn’t mean to be, there was nothing wrong with you but you couldn’t help but think why not you?

Staying in the reception was suffocation. You felt sick your mind telling you your feelings were wrong. You hated yourself, You hated how you couldn’t even control yourself for the sake of your friend who had done the most for you. You began to think you were the worst friend possible, the couple deserved better than you. You began to breath heavily so you excused yourself leaving the reception hall. You wondered down the hallways as you stood outside on the patio which lead to garden covered in frost which was usually used for outdoor weddings in the summer.

There you let your tears fall, you sobbed alone your body shaking. Why was it so hard? You prayed you could move on and find someone who loved you dearly. You had already come to terms with it that your best friend was Heather, someone you wished you could be. So why couldn’t you just move passed it? “It’s not your fault.” A voice spoke behind you as he placed his blazer on your shaking form.

“Tendou, it hurts.” You murmured as your turned around to hug him. He stroked your back as you clung on to him sobbing until you felt like you couldn’t anymore.  You managed to choke out you regrets and your guilt and he hushed you and put efforts into comforting you, telling you it wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t control your feelings. He was right because he knew.

He had liked you since the first year before Semi had introduced you. He had seen you run in one morning and thought you were beautiful, still were. He had trouble keeping his eyes off you when you smiled, your happiness spreading to him. So when the two of you became friends it was hard to not fall for you more. Then soon you had trouble smiling and it would pain to see you like that. He wanted to be the one to make you smile and remove your worries which he did as a friend  but failed to be the one you loved. You loved Semi; and in his unrequited love Semi was Heather.

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