𝐀𝐃𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍; Ushijima Wakatoshi

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Ushijima like always was the fastest to get changed, not wasting time in baseless chatter he waited outside to wark back to the dorm with Tendou. He stood on the right side of the gate while you stood on the left quickly typing on your phone in a hurry. Another reason as to why Ushijima had been quicker than usual not that the others had noticed was to admire you from afar. He made sure you were fully focussed on your phone taking glances at you, the light from your phone illuminating your facial features, Ushijima's harsh gaze softening at each glance.

From the time you had both started high school Ushijima had taken a small liking to you; keeping his crush a hidden secret thinking it would only be for a small amount of time. The first year finished and Ushijima barely saw you around seeing as though you were no longer in the same class or club. Ushijima had also focussed more of is attention onto volleyball being invited to national youth training having his talent recognised. The third year rolled around and Ushijima began noticing you again. Being part of the small debate club, you would go to classrooms trying to recruit new members.  Ushijima admired your passion.

You had managed to get a few members to join stopping your club from coming to an end. An issue had occurred in which the student council had come to you for help to prevent the teachers from cancelling an annual event. You had persuaded the teachers and that was when Ushijima began to admire more things about you. Soon after he found himself walking by the debate club hearing you share your views to the new first years and he found himself having more opinions on life other than volleyball and hierarchy due to his family. He found himself fascinated by the way you described your beliefs thinking about what he had heard you say before he slept, thinking if his beliefs contrasted to yours.

You soon heard the familiar voice of your younger brother Goshiki talking to the captain. Goshiki wasn’t the only one who admired Ushijima. You had sat beside him during your first year and noticed he would complete work while making notes on volleyball at the side. During the second year you admired him from afar as he became much more popular a common topic between girls. The third year you continued your admiration for his commitment and strength whilst occupying yourself with the debate club. You were thankful for Goshiki who had joined the volleyball club having the opportunity to see Ushijima and admire from afar.

You gave a small smile when he noticed your gaze and he replied with a mere nod showing he had taken notice of you. You waited for the two to finish their conversation leaving without bidding goodbye, you didn’t know each other well enough. Just like this the two of you parted ways after high school not mentioning your admiration for one another, simply looking up to one another from afar. You had seen them lose in the finals, comforting your brother when he got home asking of the wellbeing of the team when all you wanted to know was how Ushijima was doing. He had seen your leavers speech for the debate club a small smile on his lips on how you motivated the rest to continue the club, unknowingly motivating him after the loss of his match which he was so sure he would have won.


You closed the file after having signed the document, handing it over to the man who was going to be your new boss. His assistant escorted you out showing you necessary parts of the building you would need to know whenever you would come over. The debate club which you had joint not knowing what else to join had changed your life and helped you decide on a career path. You had become a successful lawyer working for some high-end politicians. Despite that your firm had a difficult time finding you jobs seeing as though you were determined to not work for those who got their hands dirty, so when you had gotten a job offer for a sports company who respected that you signed the deal happily.

You had adjusted well to your new job in which occupied three days of the week, the rest of the days where you did odd cases. There was a knock on the door and you looked down at your timetable reminding yourself which client you were seeing. “How may I help you Ito-san?” you questioned the volleyball player which represented the company and team. The said man played with his fingers as he let out a nervous chuckle. “You see I got myself into a little pickle with a woman and she plans to sue me.” he informed as you raised your eyebrow wanting more information.

Your day hand ended telling the volleyball player you could not help seeing as though he had gotten into this mess himself and you wouldn’t help him ruin a young womans life for the sake of money. As you made your way to the exit Ito-San ran up to you hoping you would still help him. “My answer is still no Ito-San, now If you excuse me.” you tried to walk past him only to have him stand in your way. “Could you stop being a little bitch, I’ll pay you double if that’s what you want.” he sneered causing a few of his teammate's chuckle at his behaviour.

Before you could give the man a  piece of your mind, you were interrupted by a rather raspy voice. “If she said no, you should respect her decision and find another lawyer Ito-San.” you found the voice belonged to the olive haired boy who you had admired through your high school years. He had grown much more becoming a gentleman which you expected. You gave him a small smile your feelings of admiration still present by the way he had defended you and the small stories your brother would tell you.

Ito-San and the rest of the team left, leaving you with Ushijima. You had expected to be nervous but Ushijima unknowingly had a comforting aura around him and you found yourself joining him for a coffee before you both headed home. “Thank you for helping me, I will have to speak to the supervisors though they deal did include that I would not be forced to work for any cases which did not support my beliefs.” You rambled on taking out your calendar to find time to do so.

“I wouldn’t want you to go against your beliefs which I admire you for.” The olive haired man spoke unknowingly confessing the way he looked up to you. You mumble a small ‘what’ your cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Ushijima stumbled over his words as he expressed the way he had always admired you, making your cheeks turn a rosy red flapping your hands around embarrassed that the person you had looked up to had admired you. You chuckled at the thought and explained to him why you were amused seeing as though the tall giant seemed to think you were laughing at his flustered state. You smiled a little seeing the tip of his ears turn red as he tried to ask you out for dinner a day you both were free. Just like that with the  small admiration you both had became something much more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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