Chapter 13

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I like to test Jay in public settings. Don't ask me why because honestly I couldn't tell you. It's just fun... maybe it's the adrenaline rush? Who knows but I felt electrified knowing that Jay refused to take his eyes off of me as I spoke to Simon D. I didn't even ask about the song, though I really wanted to. I thought it'd be inappropriate, considering that I did in fact have a boyfriend, and I didn't want to send the wrong message.

After the nice shindig was over I went to Jay's office where I was expecting to get chewed out. However to my unfortunate surprise, he just wanted me to see his workspace.

I was shocked when he didn't do anything. What happened to the dangerous man from 40 minutes ago? I began to pout slightly but that went over easy.

"You look really cute in your little teacher outfit," he told me as I took a seat.

"I look like your average every day Seosaengnim, Jay. Nothing special," I rolled.

"Tell that to Simon and all the other artists in the building."

"You think Simon was interested?" I perked up with a smile. I was trying to get a rise out of him and I think he knew it.

"I'd bet money he is," he scoffed before smirking. "But I'm not worried." He said nothing further and ushered me out of his office.

Was that too far? He just put me out.

We walked back to the conference room, the janitorial staff were in the midst of cleaning, and most of the artists had left.

"Grace!" Called a voice. I turned around and saw Jessi coming towards me.

"Wassup Miss Lady?"

"I wanted to know what are you wearing for the party this weekend?"

"THIS WEEKEND?! I thought this was the party!" I was shocked. I truly thought this was it.

"No silly," she laughed. "This was the unofficial party. This weekend is the official party."

"Well it doesn't have to be anything special right? It's just a baby thing."

"Oh you're so cute," she smiled. "Jay do you have something picked out for her already?"

"Nope," he shook his head. "We got something for Soo but Grace is on her own." Wow, how rude.

"Perfect," She gleamed. She grabbed me by the hand and started dragging me toward the exit. "You've got some great tits and an ass, we're going to show them off."


We went to several different stores in the mall. Jessi ran me ragged looking for the perfect dresses but eventually we found the perfect everything. Earrings, bracelets, shoes... you name it, we found it. Jay caught us in the hallway, giving Jessi his card before we left, telling her to go nuts, that if it looked good on me to buy it, which was complete overkill.

"For the love of God, please tell me we aren't going into anymore stores," I whined as she pulled me along.

"Nope," she smiled. "It's time for Karaoke." I facepalmed with my free hand, chuckling at her carefreeness. The process of getting checked in was fairly simple and soon we were in a small booth playing songs.

"So you think you're next?"

"No," I giggled. "It's your turn now."

"Not on the karaoke machine," she chuckled. "For a baby."

I choked on my spit. "You're crazy," I sputtered. She just laughed at my reaction, searching through the music selection.

"Not at all," she replied. "It's really obvious how much you care for him. And honestly Jay would be an amazing dad! I need a little niece or nephew to hang out with."

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