Chapter 29

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May 2020

We locked ourselves in apartment. It may have been cold outside but it was hot in the midst of our heat. Passion filled every room. All of our happiness, pain, desires, and tensions... We painted the apartment with the story of our love, leaving no corner unscathed.

We had work to do, immense work. We weren't ignoring it, however we worked with the tools that were readily available.

The world was in shambles. Locking ourselves in wasn't even out of the new ordinary. Nobody knew what we were freshly getting into. A worldwide pandemic?

What the hell was that anyway?

We weren't allowed outside anymore?

Essential Business?

What happened to all the toilet paper??!

The world was falling apart and it wasn't like I could go back to America or could work.

Everything became isolated. It was easy to stay in my bubble with my boyfriend, ignoring the rest of the world, except for the occasional text to my mom and Soo.

Jay ended up having to set up an at home office for his work. He already had a home studio.

I, on the other hand, had to email my letter of resignation to my school. There was no way I was going to be able to teach with a 13 hour time difference. And with nothing better to do, I picked up a hobby... cooking. More specifically, Korean food.

So for the first month and a half, we tried to adjust to the new normal.

"Jags, I wanna run an idea by you," Jay called from the bedroom. I wasn't quite sure what he was doing but I happened to be in the kitchen, attempting to make tteokbokki for the third time that week. I say attempt lightly, as I have made it, but I was harshly craving Apple House tteokbokki but sadly this panoramic is keeping them closed.

"Babe wassup?" I asked. "I making tteokbokki in the kitchen so you're gonna have to come here." He came in standing at the edge of the island in front of the fridge.

"Tteokbokki again?" He replied. I returned his remark with a raised eyebrow. "Never mind, I'm not questioning it. Whatever makes you happy. Anyway... so we've had something in the works since the beginning of the year, right?."

"We being?"

"H1gher Music-"

"Ah okay, same page, please continue," I interjected, eating some tteok out the pan.

It's missing something... I feel like I wanna add something... but what?

"So we had planned to release a Label Album at some point next year," he said.

"Exciting, I like the idea," I replied, eating another piece.

You know what would be good right now, a Korean corn dog... I want something cheesy... cheesy? CHEESE!!!!

I turned around to the fridge, ripping it open to find the cheese we had in there, before tossing it in the pan. I smiled, satisfied while incurring a weird look from Jay.

"Shut up," I laughed. "Anyhoooo, you were getting ready to add in a but." I stirred the cheese as it melted as I looked at him expectantly.

"The 'but' comes in because now we're in the middle of whatever the fuck this is," he emphasized with his hand, "and we, as the artists, feel like we wanna put something out for the fans to pick up their spirits."

"Okay... I'm waiting for shit to hit the fan Jay, what's the issue? I like this idea." I ate a piece of the cheesy tteok and moaned.

Perfect. Not exactly Apple House but this is exactly what I was looking for.

"Gimme a piece. You moanin' and shit, lemme taste," he said coquettishly.  He gave a coy smile as if he didn't mean it in the way he said it. I fed him some before giving him a quick peck since I know him better than that.

"Again, shit, fan Jay," I told him. "Land the plane."

He sighed, "But, we wanna release it this year but it's nowhere near finished. That's what artist Jay Park wants to do."

"And what does CEO Jay Park have to say about this?"

"He's scared," he replied honestly.

"Why are you scared?"

"Because we're in the middle of a fucking Pandora's Box! It's not even just one album, it's two. A soft side and a hard side of sorts. We can't even be within 6 feet of each other. How would we be able to finish it by the deadline?"

I fed him another piece, forcing him to look at me.

"People make time for what they want to make time for. And if you're saying that y'all really want put out two albums by a certain date in this year, then do it. Don't question if can't. Don't be a negative Nancy. I know your capabilities and you know them even better than me. You and your artists can do this. It's finna be hard work, long days, and sleepless nights but you have me, cheering you on along the way! So go do your label album! I'll make you a plate and bring it into the office, so hurry up and get your butt in there," I told him, pushing him into the hallway. He just smiled at me before walking off.

It felt good. Communicating and being able to motivate him was a beautiful change of pace. I don't remember the last time we were truly able to do that. We had a long road ahead of us but this time I, no we, are ready to face it!

I cut the chapter in half :). Felt like the second would be better as it's on chapter and you'll see why! Gotta love it when they're in a good spot.

Can you guys believe it's been 3 years since the beginning of Covid? It still feels like yesterday! Anyway, leave a question, comment, and concern please... y'all know I love it! Oh and thanks for the likes guys, we're almost at 1000! I'm super excited for where this is about to go! Until next chapter -K

P.s.: Land the plane means get to the point lol

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