Chapter 20

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I ended up just staying at Soo's, helping taking care of my Sweet Girl. When morning came, Jay called me telling me he was coming to get me.

The knots returned, so I left Soo's place for my own apartment. I opened my door and booked it for the bathroom, losing my dinner in the toilet.

Something has to give... I can't live like this.

I got up from my floor and got undressed, taking a short shower before getting ready. I put on this full body body suit... that's not the real term for it but that's what I'll call it since Jay bought it and not me. It's like a cat suit but in grey with a long zipper that stretched to the breast area.

"It gives great cleavage but I'm not finna flash his parents," I said aloud. "Finna be zipped up so they don't think we should break up." Ignoring the bad joke I made, I continued to get ready, brushing my teeth before doing my make up.

A natural beat. Short and sweet. Nothing spectacular.

I wanted to draw their attention but not look like I was trying to get their approval, even though I desperately wanted it.

I did a basic beat with regular lashes instead of my 25mms like normal. I put on a long black headband wig, throwing on a blue baseball cap to cover up the fact I didn't have enough time to fully install it. I put the pair of diamond stud earrings and the matching diamond necklace Jay had gotten me for my birthday on. My phone rang as I was putting on my clear lip gloss.

"Coming," I answered before hanging directly up. My stomach did not feel any better than it had when I woke up but I was sure I wasn't going to throw up again, so I left my bathroom, grabbed my blue purse before putting on a pair of blue jays and running out the door.

He was waiting for me directly in front of the building. He opened my door from inside the car, beckoning me inside.

"Morning Jagiya," he welcomed as I got in, giving me a quick peck before driving off.

"I'm so excited! My parents are going to love you," he blabbered on and on as the drive went on, but he was sending my anxiety through the roof.

How can I tell him about my fears when he so excited? I don't wanna ruin his good mood. So I just nodded my head along to whatever he was saying, staring down at my hands as I twiddled my thumbs in my seat.

"Jagiya, wae gurae?" He asked. My head popped up and I turned to look at him. He was staring at with a questioning look.

"Ah- Aniya," I denied vehemently. "Gwaenchana Oppa. Jinjja gwaenchana I promise. My stomach just hurts."

"You sure your fine? Do you wanna go to the hospital?"

"Don't be over dramatic, I just need some ginger ale," I lied. Well half lied because I definitely needed that ginger ale, which he pulled over and got me.

I didn't want to hurt him with my thoughts. I didn't wanna burden him. That's why I didn't say what I was thinking.

Maybe I'm the one being overdramatic.

He held my thigh the rest of the drive and I just leaned against the seat, grateful for his touch and terrified of what was to come.


I bowed. It was the first this I could think of as we met his parents.

Don't do anything stupid. Seem like you know what you're doing and that you belong with him.

The place we met his parents at was the same BBQ spot we had gone to after he kissed me for the first time. Ironically, I was trying to hide the bruises he'd given me just like back then. The horror.

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