Chapter 16

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Months went by in a blur. Before I knew it, my year anniversary was approaching and I was busy living the life of the average everyday ESL teacher.

After my talk with Golden, I realized I didn't want to be mad at Jay for my own thoughts but trying to have that conversation with Jay proved to be way more difficult than I thought it would be, so I never had it with him.

It had been a peaceful 6 months with my boyfriend. We don't fight often but we see each other so much now... I feel happy. People still don't know about me but that's a good thing. They really don't need to. I'm okay with where we are and I recognize what role I play.

I think that's probably why I was so upset before.

"Grace... Grace?!" A voice called, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Ye?" I questioned as my vision came back into focus.

"Were you even listening to me?" Eonni asked me.  I shook my head and she slapped her wired hand against her forehead. "I'm just laying here with your God Child in my stomach and you're busy ignoring me... how wild. I'm taking them back, they're not yours anymore."

"Eonni nooooooo. They're my little Stink Stink, you can't take them backkkk," I whined. "I'll be good I promise." I gave her the best puppy eye look I could muster and she laughed.

"Fine," she caved, wrinkling her nose. "What's got you so wrapped up in your thoughts anyway?"

"Babe do not worry about me, I'm fine," I refused, "Today is all about you!"

She sighed heavily, "Grace please, I need to be distracted, these contractions hurt like hell. And Ji Won still isn't here!"

"Well he's on his way, don't panic," I say rubbing her shoulders. "He got on a plane as soon as he heard you were having contractions. It's not his fault he was back in America."

"You're right, it's not... it's Jay's! Remind me to kick his ass when they get here!" She shook her fist at me and I chuckled.

"You are so silly," I told her.

"Anything to make it hurt less. Don't think I forgot, what's on your mind?" She pressed.

"Gosh Eonni nothing, honest. Just seeing you right now makes me wonder when we'll decide to have a baby, that's all," I replied.

"YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT HAVING KIDS NOW?!" She gasped, excitedly.

"I'm not, so please calm down," I laughed. She visibly deflated, looking so sad after being turned down. "It's just... I wonder what our kids would look like. How would we even raise them? Do we raise them here or do we go back to the states? It's just being here that's making me think so much. I don't even think we're ready to talk about kids yet."

"How did Jay take the pregnancy scare you had a couple months ago?" She asked.

"I never told him," I admitted. She gasped loudly before swatting at me.

"Why not?!"

"He was just always so busy... he's going to be a great Godfather but he'd be a terrible Dad right now. And there was no reason to stress him out. What if he thought I only got pregnant because you were pregnant? I don't need any additional problems."

"You guys are having problems?"

"We aren't. We've had a relatively good past couple of months of peace. We're happy I guess," I shrugged.

"I guess doesn't sound too sure," she refuted.

"Nah, I mean we are happy, don't get me wrong, but we are human. We all have our moments," I responded.

She gave me a side eye, squinting slightly. "Tell that man I'll be short a human in a few hours, so I'll kick his ass twice if I have to." I snorted hard before pulling Soo into a tight hug.

"I love you so much Eonni! You're going to be an amazing mom," I squeezed.

"Don't make me cry before I have a baby Grace, that's not nice," she laughed with tears in her eyes.

We stayed that way for a few minutes before a nurse came to check in.

Hours passed before a very frantic man burst into the delivery room.

"Did I miss it?! Did I miss my baby?!" Mr. pH Balance questioned.

"Calm down! You didn't miss anything but you'll miss everything if you wake her up because I'll kill you. I'll kill you dead."

He panted as he attempted to collect himself.

"She's been in pain this entire time, so this is the first time she's been able to sleep all day," I explained in a hush tone.

"What happened?! I got on the first flight I could after I got your text," he told me.

"It's not like it's some really interesting story," I responded. "After you guys left, she asked me to stay with her. You know pregnancy has made her extra clingy, so she felt lonely with you gone."

"I wouldn't have left her if I'd've known this would happen," he interjected.

"Hindsight is always 20/20 but that doesn't matter now. She's not mad. But she felt lonely and kept crying, so she asked me to stay with her 'til you got back. Now I didn't know y'all was going to be gone for more than a week," I squinted at him accusingly.

He raised his hands up in a surrendering manner, "Hey, don't blame me, blame Jay hyung."

"Whatever the case may be, y'all were gone for longer than expected, so I left her to pack more clothes and to wash some for like an hour and a half. I came back after and as I'm opening up the door, I hear this loud crash and Soo Eonni fucking screamed. So I rushed in to see if she was okay. She was fine but she had dropped this fresh bowl of ramen, so I saw this big puddle on the floor. It wasn't until I saw the dribble going down her leg that I even realized that her water had broke. I thought water breaking was a new development, come to find out, she had been having contractions all day. She just thought they were Braxton Hicks, so she didn't say anything to me like a dummy. I texted you as we were waiting on the ambulance. And that's the whole story. Oh and she didn't get an epidural which is why she couldn't sleep."

"My poor baby," he responded as he stroked her head.

I watched him as he interacted with her sleeping form with such care.

He really loves her, that makes me so happy. Would Jay treat me with such love and care? Would his eyes sparkle with the same intensity? Would he be as happy as this man before me?

I pulled my eyes away from them, choosing to mind my business before I let my jealousy get the best of me. I walked over to the little cot the nurse had brought in for me and laid down.

I pulled out my phone and texted Jay a simple, wya. Seeing them together so happy had me missing my boyfriend.

I wonder if he'll be in a better mood after taking that impromptu 'business trip'. I don't want to fight anymore.

I know I know... I made it seem like everything was perfect with us but maybe I'm just trying to convince myself.

IM SO SORRY!!!!!!!! I know I friggin suck so much! I had school to figure out and it sent me spiraling. My school messed up my credits so instead of graduating in July, I'm forced to graduate in December. But I promised y'all I wouldn't go a month without updating and it's been three *insert crying emojis*. I hope this double update will lessen your anger at me. Also I'm working on the next chapter right now, so hopefully I'll finish it soon so I can upload it before Oct begins.

The last chapter wasn't that good and this one is just a filler but aren't we excited for the baby???

SN: Do we want the baby to be a girl or boy? I have no idea what they should be lol.

Well I'm done rambling. I'm gonna go back to working on the next chapter, so peace out for now. Y'all know the drill, let me know what y'all think, good or bad. Until the next update -K

Afternoon (Jay Park Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin