Chapter 18

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You ever feel like the world was moving in slow motion?

Like nothing else existed?

As I stared at the tiny infant in my arms, it happened. She opened her little eyes and just started reaching, not for anything in particular, and settled on my gloved index finger. That's when time stopped for me.

I thought about a life and starting family... all with the man I called mine.

"Hi Sweetie Pie," I cooed. "Oh you're so precious. I almost don't wanna give you to your Mommy and Daddy." I winked at them as I began to walk over to Soo. I think the nurses were asking me for the baby but I wasn't coughing her up to them before Eonni got to hold her. Baby girl was perfect, breathing normally, while her big brown orbs stared at me in wonder. I handed her off to her parents, who were tears, and stepped back. I grabbed my phone and flipped the camera, pointing it at the new family. I took a beautiful photo and then ended the recording.

I went to my text messages with a small smile on my face, sending the family photo with a caption.

This could be us one day

I decided to give the three of them some space, so I left to go home and take a shower.

I thought long and hard while I was in there. Just about everything and what my life had become in the last year and a half. I didn't think I'd still be here, like in South Korea, genuinely wanting to stay. The place of strangers finally felt like home and I wasn't sure if I'd ever want to leave.

More than that, I thought about Jay. I thought about how I wanted him and the reasons why I wanted him. I thought about why I loved him and why I didn't want to let him go. My body heated up with my thoughts of him.

Nobody's perfect right?

My thoughts were interrupted by the abrasive knocks on my front door. With a twisted up face, I got out the shower, wrapped myself in towel, wondering who'd be at my door this early.

I opened the door, hesitantly. A wet looking Jay stood before me, breathing heavily as water dripped off of him.

Had it started raining?

"Jay? What are you-" I was cut off as he hurriedly pressed his soft lips against mine. The door closed swiftly behind us as we came further into the apartment. My towel fell to the ground and he reached forward, his cold hand claiming it's spot on my bare hip, causing me to groan.

"God I missed you," he murmured against my lips. My heart swelled at his words, his speech mimicked the thoughts in my head.

My back rested against the wall as we came to a stop. Nothing but the sounds of our heavy breathing and the rain tapping against my window could be heard as words were no longer being shared between us.

His fingers tapped against my skin lazily. "You really think that could be us one day?" His voice was barely above a whisper, as if he was afraid of the answer.

"I really do... at the very least I hope so. I'm in love with you Park Jay-Bum and I want to be for the rest of my life." He kissed me again, this kiss feeling desperate, as if he was afraid I would take it all back.

His cold hands raked all over my partial wet body, goosebumps arising everywhere. His skin was smooth, providing the insatiable comfort I felt with him.

I could feel him everywhere. Not just physically but his presence radiated the comfort I had been missing these last two weeks. Our mouths moved against one another in sync, speaking a language of its own without any words. The room continued to be littered with the sound of our desperation and the rain hitting against the window. He breaks the kiss once more and stares me in my eyes.

"I love you too Grace."


We ended up taking a nap in my bed. Maybe a nap is downplaying the events that occurred but I did take one, I was so exhausted. But to wake up to my head on the chest of the one I love as he held me, felt like the best thing in the world.

"As content as I feel right now, I think we should get up," I smiled, drawing shapes lazily against his chest.

"I don't think it's absolutely necessary we get up right now, I want to stay like this, with you, for just a little bit longer," He says with his eyes closed.

"Jay, we are the Godparents. And unless you want me to make you an actual parent right now, I'd advise you to get up," I smirked.

He opens an eye and stares down at me. "Did you just threaten me with a good time?"

My cheeks burn as I hide my face in his chest, the passing event replaying in my mind like a raunchy film.

"Oh shut up," I murmur against him, earning a hardy laugh.

"I don't mind going back to the hospital–"

"Back?" I asked, leaning up.

"Yeah, I went and Soo told me where you had gone. I had went to find you."

I thought I couldn't smile anymore but I was proven wrong.

"Aw Jay," I coo, giving his chest a quick peck. "I hope you always find me."

"And I hope you know we're not going to that hospital anytime soon," he smirks, both eyes looking down at me. Mine widen as I catch the meaning behind his words. I jump up in attempt to run but he's fast on his feet. I concede with a giggle.

"But Jay, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet..."

Do you know how hard it is to write a love story when you hate men? Ugh life is so problematic. Anywho, vote, comment, all that good stuff. Short chapter I know I know. I'll do better. Until next chapter. -K

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