Chapter 6

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I bite my lip as he walks off.

Ben steps forward and opens his wallet.

"Uh – Callum paid for you," I say.

"What a jerk! I told him he doesn't owe me. Ok, see you later," he says.

Typical of Ben not to let Callum give him anything – even though he's staying at the Nine Lives with him for free. He's too giving. We'll never be able to put him through university if he keeps it up.

My coworker comes to take my spot at the ticketing booth so I can supervise the rink. Supervising the rink is my absolute favourite part of working here. All I have to do is skate around with everyone and be there to pick up the little kids when they fall over. It's funny and it pays.

I sit on the sidelines and quickly lace up my boots. A tall, sweaty teenager sits next to me. I know by the cucumber scent that it's Xander.

"Hey tough guy," I say.

"Hey, you working much longer?" he asks.

"Few more hours. Why?"

"Just wondering."

A few left over hockey players pass us and he nods them good bye.

"Did you see my epic pass?" he beings.

Ben and Callum skate over to the edge of the rink and lean over the barrier to talk to us, "Hey Jade, when are you coming on?" Ben says.

"Soon, just lacing up my boots," I send him a small smile.

Xander grabs my hand tightly out of nowhere. Eyes wide open like he's seen a ghost.

Ben and Callum skate off, just in time for me to not so subtly rip my hand away from Xander. "What?!" I say, nursing my hand.

"Do you realise who that is?" he says, nose almost touching mine, eyebrows so high they might just get tangled in his hair.

"Who? Ben?"

"No, the guy he was with."


"Callum – oh my God you are clueless. That is Callum Carver only the top ice hockey player of this century."

"Is that why you were completely star struck like a little girl?"

"Jade, you seriously don't get it," he says. "He's one of the only ice hockey players to win the grand tournament three years in a row. Every team he's played for has quadrupled it's success rate. We get taught Carver Tactics at training. 'Callum Carver, carving up the ice' – seriously, you've never heard of him?"

"Now I have," I roll my eyes, "No wonder he's so cocky."

"Yeah, well he's earned it. Can you get his autograph for me?"

I finish lacing up my boots and stand up, "In you're dreams, Xander."

I step onto the rink.

My body is at home on the ice. I glide over the it effortlessly. My mind rests – I don't need to think or process. I just follow what my muscles demand, and they never let me down.

I find Callum and Ben on the ice and gracefully reach them. Callum gives me a once over. "You didn't tell me your sister is a figure skater," he smirks.

"She's undefeated, you know? October Academy dragged her out here just for her amazing skills," Ben beams.

"Alright, calm down. It's not that exciting," I say.

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