Chapter 20

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"Callum's coming to pick you up so you can take your car home from here."

I forgot that I left my car at the Nine Lives. Whoops.

Which reminds me of my awful night last night – how I felt so sick and repulsed after Taylor's greasy hand grabbed mine. How someone with so much power is abusing it so vilely. But it also reminds me how sincere Callum seemed and how...

Oh fuck.

I push the thoughts aside as I make my way over to the iron gates. Since it's Friday night, most of the seniors are checking out. There's meant to be a teacher at the gates monitoring who is leaving, if they have parental permission, what time they get back etc. But there's no teacher. Curfew on weekends is later than during the week, so most people get back in time.

I know right. It's stupid. But most of the students here have parents living around the world. No one can check in on them. I guess if they wanted to, they're only a private jet flight away.

I decide to walk out of the gate. I don't want anyone seeing me get picked up by Callum. The rumours around here are bad enough – Alyssa already thinks I'm desperate. Even though I've only ever kissed two guys. Yes, I'm lame, I know. I would've done something more if there was someone worthy of it.

Like Darcy?

Oh my God why is he the first person that comes to mind? He's an asshole. I should be thinking about anyone else. Maybe one other person in particular...

Callum drives up beside me, standing up his motorbike and passing me a helmet. This time, I buckle it up my self. He sort of chuckles, as if I just said to him, I don't need your help.

"I see you're in a good mood today," he says as I take a seat behind him.

"Thanks for noticing," I smile.

"Hold on," he says, accelerating forward so fast that I grasp onto him hastily. He chuckles again as if to say, You do need me.

Callum goes faster this time, maybe because last time he was scared I might fall off. Honestly, I felt so empty last night I could've floated away.

But going fast on the motorbike with him makes me start giggling in a way I never have before. As we whiz down the mountain side, wind blowing my hair, smile wide on my lips, I feel free. Which is something I only ever feel in moments, never as a sustained reality.

We pull up to the Nine Lives. I jump off the bike, unclasping the helmet and passing it to Callum. We walk inside and upstairs and I'm shocked to see Ben's apartment empty.

"Where's Ben?" I ask.

"Going to pick up his surprise," Callum says, wiggling his brows at me.

"Ooh, surprise... tell me, what is it?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

"You're lame," I say, copying Callum and taking a seat at the kitchen bench.

"Says you," he says, resting his arm on the counter.

My eyes narrow onto his arm. His hand is bruised badly. His knuckles bloodied up.

"What happened to your hand?" I ask.

"We took care of it," he says, eyes locking onto mine – with so much power and pull that I can't look away.

It feels like someone has their hand wrapped around my heart and has clenched it so tightly its poking out of my throat.

"What do you mean?" I ask, noticing a cut on his lip.

"Ben and I, we took care of it for you."

Wait... what? They 'took care of' Officer Taylor?

"You didn't have to do that," I say, realising the risk it puts them in.

"I won't let anyone touch you." His eyes don't leave mine.

I look away, the intensity too much. My cheeks are burning and must be redder than Snow White's poisonous apple. I notice how bruised and bloodied his hand is. "Atleast let me help clean you up," I say. Standing up from the counter and grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink.

I rummage through the kit and look for what might be appropriate for his wound. Honestly though, I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. In movies it looks so easy – the girl always knows how to bandage the guy up. Is there some girl handbook I missed out on?

I find an antibacterial cream and think that's a good way to start. I take his hand in mine, not looking up because I don't want to feel that again. I apply it evenly to his skin. Then I return to rummaging through the kit to look for some kind of band aid that might help.

I hold two in my hand, some like mini-stiches and the other like a bandage.

Callum takes the bandage, obviously noticing my indecision. "This one," he says.

"Oh, I didn't realise you were an expert," I say, sarcastically.

"I've had my fair share of fights," he says, serious.


"It was tough where I grew up."

It's quiet for a moment while I try to figure out the best way to wrap his hand.

"Before you came to October Academy? Where did you grow up?" I ask.

"Newhaven," he says. "In and out of foster homes."

"You... you were in the foster system too?"

His eyes reach mine, a sad smile on his face. "We're more alike than you think."

I look away, trying to figure out what the fuck I'm doing with his bandage.

"You're worse than me," he says, laughing lightly, changing the topic.

"I'm sorry, Doc, I haven't done this before," I say, both my hands busy trying to tightly secure the bandage around him. I'm almost finished when a stray hair falls in front of my face. I shake my head to get it out of the way but fail.

Callum's free hand reaches out, tucking the hair behind my ear. Our eyes lock, the world slows down but my heartbeat ticks feverishly. His hand hesitates, resting against my cheek.

It's almost like an invisible force is pulling us closer.

When the door abruptly opens. 

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