Chapter 15

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When Sunday afternoon rolls around, I don't have the mental energy to do anything. But when Ben calls and invites me to go bowling, I just can't say no.

I pull up to the Nine Lives in my mustang with Perry and Xander pestering each other in the backseat.

"Can you two cut it out!" I laugh. "You're going to damage my prize possession."

"I thought I was your prize possession," Perry retorts with a chuckle.

"Touché," I smile.

Ben and Callum burst through the front door of Nine Lives and walk to where I'm parked on the road.

"Shotgun," Callum calls with a grin.

Ben rolls his eyes but smiles. Perry scootches over and Ben takes the seat beside her. Perry looks flustered, like a tiny baby squashed between two big brick walls. Xander starts to complain about being squished back there, but shuts up when Callum gets into the car.

Xander blushes and gushes so much that it's humorous. Ben distracts him and the three of them in the backseat chat loudly.

"Looks like you're not the only one with a crush on me," Callum says quietly to me, gesturing at Xander.

"Since when?" I roll my eyes, focussing forward.

"Just admit it, I'm irresistible."

I can't hold back my laughter. "Well, I can confirm that Xander definitely is head over heels."

Xander overhears and butts in, "What and the who now?"

"Nothing," I sing.

Xander crosses his arms.

We make our way to the bowling alley and book a lane to bowl on. The lady who sets up our lane seems to be in love with Callum. She keeps looking him up and down like a tasty chunk of steak. I can't exactly blame her. He is quite... charming.

It's pretty busy tonight. The lights are dimmed. Projectors at the end of each lane show a music video. The music is loud. The crowd radiates this energy.

Ben bowls first, getting a strike on his first go. We all applaud and hooray him dramatically.

Next is Xander. His bowling skills are not on par. His ball goes straight into the gutter. He takes a seat next to me and whispers in my ear, "Next time can you distract Callum? He's making me too nervous. He's my literal idol right in front of me."

"Sure," I whisper as Perry takes her bowl.

She does better than Xander, surprisingly enough.

Callum goes next. Another strike. Wow. Callum and Ben give each other an aggressive high five before saying that they're going to pummel one another. "Watch me win," Ben smirks.

"I'll watch you try and fail miserably. Twice as entertaining," Callum says.

I stand up, ignoring the boys wrestling behind me. I lace my fingers into the holes and glide my hand forward. The ball hits the pins. And would you look at that, I'm ahead of Xander by two pins. Nice.

Everyone attempts their second turn. Conveniently, Callum takes a seat beside me after he has his turn. When it's Xander's go, he looks back at me and gives me the signal to distract Callum.

Before I even have the chance to grab Callum's attention, Ben and Callum's eyes have fallen upon something behind me in the distance.

Mission accomplished, I guess?

"It's a photobooth!" they say in unison.

"We have to get a group shot," Ben says.

"There's no way we'll all fit in there," Callum says.

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