Chapter 43

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I wonder why he left.

Part of me yearns to look for him. Now my motivation to sit here has dissipated.

Then it's my turn. "Truth or dare," Chloe asks me.

"Dare," I say, hoping it will work as a transition from this circle back to where I left Acacia and Xander.

But when I look back, neither of them are there.

"Go get me a cruiser for me from the kitchen," Alyssa says.

And I am relieved. I'm shocked that Alyssa didn't take the opportunity to shame me, to humiliate me. I'm surprised she didn't use the dare to make me strip naked or something else.

I feel dizzy when I stand, enough that I stumble and Chowder stretches out an arm to steady me. "Thankyou," I say to him with a small smile, though I feel quite sick.

I walk to the kitchen and stumble multiple times on thin air. What exactly am I stumbling over? My brain feels numb and fuzzy.

I find a watermelon flavoured cruiser and bring it back to the main group. Everyone has shuffled slightly. Why does it give me a bad feeling?

I trip – and this time not over thin air. Over someone's unfolded leg. I somersault down the steps to the foyer, where Alyssa is standing, holding a tray of nachos and dip. As I topple down the miniature steps, landing awkwardly and painfully at her feet, a pain shoots through my knee. It's so strong, I barely notice when Alyssa 'drops' the nacho platter on top of me.

"I'm so sorry!" she says in a high pitched voice, as if this wasn't her crooked plan all along.

"You're so fake," I snap, cradling my leg as I get back onto my feet. Nacho sauce covers my once beautiful dress.

"No, Jade, really, I am so sorry! I hope you're not hurt."

"You did this on purpose," I say, as though coming to some world shattering realisation. I can barely put any weight on my knee. "What did I ever do to you? Why are you such a bitch?" I slur, fuelled by such a hatred. I should've gone for Drake, just to upset her.

"Aw Jade, what's wrong? Xander isn't here to protect you?"

"I see what's going on. Drake isn't here to help you scheme. Now I realise who the brains behind the operation was," I spit, pushing past her so hard that she topples backwards.

I run up the stairs to where Acacia pointed out the bathroom was earlier.

I close myself in the room. The bathroom is pretty massive, but I shouldn't be surprised, this whole house is. I look at myself in the mirror, realise not only am I drenched with chunky nacho meat, but also with the liquid from the cruiser.

I prop myself up on the bench, leaning back so my head rests against the mirror. I throw my head back against it three times in anger.

My hair has meat in it, my mascara smudged down my face, my dress is starting to feel claustrophobic.

I stand up on one foot – the one that isn't in agony – and start to rip off the dress. I unzip the back, slowly sliding the straps off my shoulders, when someone bursts into the room.

"Are you ok?" Darcy says, not knocking but waltzing right in. His hair is messy, his shirt is damp. I realise he must be drunk too.

"Leave me alone," I snarl, wrapping my arms around myself to cover what's exposed.

He walks towards me, locking the door behind him. I notice in his hands is an oversized t shirt and an ice pack. "Let me help you," he says slowly.

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