Chapter 40

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I choose to ignore the shit old man Porter said. The newspaper though? Who put that in the mail-box? And why?

In my empty room, I sit on my bed and think about Tim. I think about how much I miss him. How he should be here. How we escaped the Johnsons, just to taste freedom before Tim was riddled with addiction. Why couldn't things just be good for him?

My phone buzzes on my bed, vibrating the sheets.

Darcy: Did you get your report card?

I don't want to answer. Why should I? When he ignores me for two weeks, treats me like I'm nothing, leads me on.

Darcy: Jade? Please answer.

He knows I'm online. My snap maps are on and he can see I read his message.

To respond or not to respond, that is the question.

Me: I got it.

Darcy: And?

Me: I passed.

Darcy: Good.

Me: Why do you care?

Darcy: Don't.

Me: Don't what?

Darcy: Don't go there.

Me: You're a jerk. Stop fucking with me.

Darcy: You're the one making it easy.

I gasp audibly. Then throw my phone across the room onto my pillow. This boy has some nerve. He really thinks it's ok to just play with my feelings? I know he's rich, so he must be entitled. Is that all he thinks of me? Some toy to fool with? Some plaything to pretend with?

I fall asleep in that position.

I came second. Second is not good enough. Second is losing. I am a loser.

That is what Mrs Johnson says to me. She locks me in my cupboard and she tells me to stay there until I've learnt my lesson.

It has been atleast two days. I have not had any water or any food. I have made a mess of myself.

Tim sneaks into the room. I can tell it's him and not Brett or the Johnsons by the way he tiptoes, by the slight of his hand on the lock.

He passes me a bottle of water and some crackers.

Everything goes dark.


Tim is on the floor.

His skin is blue. Purple.

He isn't moving.

Empty needles are on the floor...

I wake up shouting and panting. My breath is rushed, my eyes are swollen and wet. My cheeks are moist. My lungs are tight, constricted, like a snake has wrapped around them inside of me.




Acacia texts the group chat (between me, Perry and her) and tells us we're going shopping. Most of the students are back in town now, school starts in two days. Some of them get dropped off in the morning, but most of them stay in town in hotels or in their parents holiday houses, or even stay in their dorms. Teachers are back on campus to supervise for those kids – but most of them live in luxury while it lasts.

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