Chapter 23

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I make my way off the ice, trying not to trip on myself because I know now that Darcy is watching.

I keep my head up, walking in the direction of where I was sitting before. 

Over the loudspeakers, the judges tell the crowd they will be announcing the winners of each category.

I stop in my tracks, leaning against the barricade surrounding the ice.

"For tenth grade girls, third place goes to... for tenth grade boys..." the judges sit idly across the rink listing the winners and describing their scores. "For twelfth grade girls, third place goes to Alyssa Salah... second place goes to Grace Jones... and finally, first place, with a perfect score, goes to Jade Fernwood."

The crowd goes crazy, especially the October Academy kids, proud that two of their own made it to finalists.

I skate to the centre of the rink, lining up with the other winners from the other grades. They give us all a ribbon (they'll give us a medal for regionals and a trophy for nationals).

After a few more moments of mindless clapping and cheering, we're ushered off the ice. There's a small interval before the partner dancing begins. The bleachers erupt with chaos, everyone goes to get snacks, stretch their legs and talk to whoever has ears.

I walk straight into a brick wall – oh no, a brick wall with handsome brown eyes and long draping hair that just perfectly sways in front of his face...

"Woah, slow down there," Darcy says, laughing lightly.

"Sorry," I mutter, embarrassed I've run into him now, but surprised he hasn't just ignored me either.

I sit down on first step of the grandstand right beside us and start unlacing my boots.

"Congratulations," he smiles, taking the seat beside me.

"Thanks," I say quietly, "It's nice of you to come watch Alyssa."

"I didn't come to watch Alyssa," he says, eyeing me up and down.

I suddenly feel very naked. He came to watch me? Unlikely. I'm sick of all the lies he's telling. Surely he doesn't realise how much they're fucking with me. 

"Oh," I say.

"I heard you talk about the competition in class. I didn't know you were a figure skater."

"There's a lot you don't know about me."

He furrows his brows like he's not expecting me to respond with attitude, as if he's forgotten how much of an ass he's been.

Does he have some evil twin who's impersonating him? Or worse, is he a Gemini?

My hands are so numb from skating that I can barely shove my fingers under the laces. I struggle to grip my hand under the lace and look like a complete idiot.

Out of nowhere, Darcy kneels before me, and looks up at me innocently. He starts untying my laces for me, with speed that's shocking, considering we're both in the same chilling arena.

I'm too shocked to respond. I'm so glad I'm wearing those shiny nude stockings because I definitely haven't shaved my legs properly.

"There," he says, patting my boot and sitting beside me again.

"Thank you," I say, too nicely, trying not to forget that I'm mad at him. I hold back my heart from swooning.

"You're welcome," he smiles.

He's just so pretty. He smile is so beautiful. His lips are naturally red and round and... I force my eyes back up to his.

"What happened with Coach Goscicki?" I ask, desperately trying to distract myself.

"He quit, for real."

"That's a shame. He's such a great Coach."

"I know. We're beating ourselves up about it."

"You should be."

"It's so shit," he sighs, shaking his head.

"I should go get changed," I say.

He almost looks sad – for a fraction of a second. "Cheers again. I can't wait to watch you at Regionals."

I bite my lip. "Yeah... but now knowing your watching is going to fuck me up." Why did I say that.

"Why? Do I make you nervous?" he leans in slightly, eyeing my features up and down.

I brush him off. "No, I meant..." I look away, heat rushing to my cheeks.

He smiles triumphantly, like he's gained knowledge over me, "Go get changed."

I stand up abruptly, lugging my boots behind me.

I walk fast to the change rooms where I left my bag for my boots and my casual clothes to keep me warm. Despite having finished my competition, we still have to wait till the partner skating finishes before the bus takes us back to the academy.

But instead of the peace and serenity of a female change room, devoid of any Darcy's or Callum's or Xander's... I run into the rat of the rink.

"Congratulations Jade," she says sarcastically. "Glad to finally see you in a new outfit."

"Thanks," I say, plastering on a big smile. "All the hard work really pays off, you know? Or maybe you don't know."

She winces, narrowing her eyes at me. "Don't act all cocky. If you knew what people seriously thought of you, you wouldn't dare speak to me like that."

"Enlighten me," I snap.

"You know Darcy only talks to you to aggravate Xander," she says, "They've been rivals for years. He just wants to get under Xander's skin."

"I don't see how talking to me would accomplish that."

"You're Xander's little sweet-heart. Everyone knows it."

"That's not true."

"What, you can't honestly think Darcy would ever like you? He may be deaf but he's not blind."

I flinch.

"Besides, he's into older women," she says, manipulatively.

"Sorry to tell you this Alyssa, but I don't give two shits about what Darcy thinks of me." Lie.

"I'm just warning you, honey, girl to girl." She slaps on the fakest smile. "Seriously, he's just not into you." She stands up, takes her gym bag and leaves the change rooms.

I hold it back with all my power, but a part of me really just wants to cry.

Shoutout to all me gemini readers -  I love you guys! hehe x

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