Chapter 18

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I'm exhausted after I finish skate practice. My routine is flawless. Though it doesn't usually take me that long to perfect my routine. Skating is the only thing that comes easy to me, but the anxiety that stirs within my stomach – even though it's been years since I left the Johnsons – still makes reappearances.

As I walk through the parking lot to my car, I get the eerie feeling that I'm being followed. The prickling sensation on the back of my neck, like a chill I can't shake.

Rounding the corner to where my car is parked, I see a dark figure resting against the door of my precious mustang.

"Beautiful car you have here," he steps forward into the light and I realise it's Officer Taylor. "How did someone like you afford it?"

"Someone like me? What's that supposed to mean?" I shake my head. "Please get out of my way."

"That's no way to speak to someone that you owe a favour."

"I don't owe you anything. Leave or I'll scream," I say, starting to get sweaty, feeling my heart beat faster.

"You do owe me something," he takes a step forward, his hand reaching forward as if to caress my face.

I flinch backwards. "Don't touch me or I'll-"

"You'll what? Call the police?" pure wickedness settles over his features in a taunting smile. He looks back at his car and I realise that he's with a partner – who's doing nothing but watching.

"I don't know anything about the ID's. Just leave me alone."

His hand reaches for mine roughly, pulling me into him so his hot breath is on my ear. "You listen to me you little bitch: if you don't figure it out, I'll give you something to really cry about."

Suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Mr Takahashi walking to his car. He sees us, furrowing his brow. "You alright, Jade?" he calls.

Officer Taylor takes a step backward. "That was all for tonight, Miss. Please drive safe. There's some dangerous people out there."

Officer Taylor turns, waving Mr Takahashi goodbye. He gets back into his car with his pig friend. And he drives away.

My breathing is so rapid, I might just faint.

Mr Takahashi walks over to me. "You ok?" he asks.

"No," I say, voice weak and wobbly.

"You park up there at the lights by the front door next time, ok?" he smiles, patting me stiffly on the shoulder. "I can make a report."

"Thanks Mr Takahashi," I try to smile but feel frail.

"I will talk to Gladys," he says.

"No, no, please. She already had to get me out of trouble today."

He nods before bidding me farewell.

I get in my car, turn on the ignition and start driving down out of the ice rink car park. I notice that Mr Takahashi doesn't leave from where we spoke until he can see I'm safely driving away.

But just because I'm in the safety of my car, the anxiety in my stomach hasn't faded. My gut tells me to go to Ben's.

I focus on driving normally, so that I fly under the radar, so that I wouldn't stand out against all the other cars driving their mundane, mediocre routes.

That's got to be the worst park I've ever done. I'm almost perpendicular to the lines.

I run into Ben's – not worried about being ladylike or calm or composed.

I run straight into Ben's arms.

His arms wrap around me hesitantly, patting my hair, asking me "what's wrong?"

My face has gone so red from holding back tears, that I can't help but start bawling. I cover my face with my hands and bury myself into his chest. "There's this cop that's been stalking me," I say, muffled into his shirt.

"Tell me everything, it's going to be ok," Ben says, holding me tight. "Let's talk upstairs."

He walks me upstairs, cradling me by slinging his arm over my shoulder.

As we walk up the stairs, I realise that Callum has been watching. He follows us up the stairs. Even though I don't want to cry in front of him, my priorities right now is telling someone about what's been going on. And right now, the person I trust most is Ben.

We sit down on his small red couch in the corner of the room. His TV is still on with his Wii connected. Him and Callum must've been playing Mario Cart earlier.

Ben sits beside me and tells me to tell him everything from the beginning. So I do. I tell him how he pulled me over one day and if it weren't for Callum something might have happened. I tell him how he found me at school. I tell him how tonight he waited at my car for me to finish ice skating and that he grabbed me and threatened me. How he gives me the creeps.

Ben stands up to get me a glass of water. When he's gone, Callum appears and crouches down in front of me. I forgot he was here – now I'm embarrassed I said everything in front of him between sobs.

He reaches forward, cupping my face in his hands and brushing away my tears. "Jade, I give you my word, we will make him pay."

I bite my lips together and nod.

"No one will make you feel like this again, ok? You let me know the second you feel uncomfortable and I will personally make his life hell."

I nod again, not knowing how else to respond.

Ben walks back over to us and hands me the glass of water. "I have a plan," he says to Callum. "We'll get him for this, Jade. He won't ever touch you again."

Ben and Callum exchange heated glances.

"It's getting late, I should really get home," I say, yawning as I look at the time.

"I don't want her driving like this," Callum says to Ben, not even asking for my opinion.

"Can you stay here tonight?" Ben asks me. "You shouldn't be driving so late, especially when you're upset."

"I really need to get back to school," I answer.

"I'll drive her home," Callum suggests.

Ben nods then gives me one last big hug goodnight. He holds me so tight. I feel safe when I'm with him. Meeting Ben marked the end of my torture with the Johnsons, when I hadn't built that trust with Gladys yet. If Tim was here, maybe I wouldn't be so close with Ben. But without Tim, Ben is all I have.

Callum gently holds his hand behind my back and guides me down the stairs. I've never seen him so gentle and caring. As we walk down to the bar, I notice girls stare at us, but he doesn't even glance in their direction.

He takes me to his motorcycle. 

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