Chapter 4: New Faction

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Falling is an interesting feeling. You know you're falling fast but it feels like time has frozen and all you can hear is the wind rushing past you like it's trying to catch up with you.

I had jumped without hesitation ,but now I'm getting nervous the closer I get to the bottom, not knowing what's down here.I watched as I fall passed the hole in the roof and then my body abruptly lands, but I quickly get flung back up in the air. Letting out a little scream I land back down. I grab on to what wraps around my body; A net! It is a big net that I landed in. I grin as big as the Cheshire cat. giggling a little i realized how fun this turning out to be. Suddenly the net leans to a side rolling me out of it next a tan hand that was outstretched to help me get up.


I think for a second try to think of a new name, but I wasn't ready. I can't go with Fred!

"Is it a hard one you can choose a new one but better make it a good you only get one name so better make it a good one." The guy tells me.

Panicking looking into his brown eyes I shouted out the only name I could think of.

" Ari."

Yeah that sounds good, a strong name that's not a mouthful.

" First jumper Ari." he yells behind him; everyone started cheering along with the distant scream of the next jumper who just came falling into the net. I stood off to the side for a few minutes watching people jump from the roof when finally Pax decided to come down. He landed safely in the net while screaming like a little girl.

"You must have a death wish, I can't believe you decided to jump first into a hole." Pax tells me walking over to me.

"At least i didn't scream like a little girl on the way down!" I laughed as he glared at me.

"Yeah we all thought you died with how silent it was, maybe it was Eric's ice stare that froze you after you were crazy enough to wink at him." Pax looked at me like i'm insane while laughing.

"Oh come on it was just a wink, it's harmless, maybe i will end up on the attractive leader's good side." pax turned to me wide eyed

"You think the scariest leader in all of dauntless is attractive."he stutters out.

"Come on he didn't seem that scary and legit every one here is attractive not just him."

"Aw thank you amity. I always knew you liked me." pax started making kissing noises slowly leaning over.

"Eww no not you!" I push him as we start to laugh. It felt good to joke around with someone, it feels like we have been friends for years. Pax isn't bad looking he's tall with dark hair cut with the sides buzzed off he has nice soft green eyes that compliment his tan skin like the guy at the net.

Finally we see Eric jump down signaling that all of the jumpers are done.

"Ok listen up initiates my name is Four i will be your instructor for the rest of your initiation here in dauntless. Dauntless borns go with Tori; you will be trained separately for the first phase of training. Tori is going to be your instructor so she will show you where you will stay for the next 10 weeks." We watched the dauntless borns leave with a woman that I assume is Tori. I waved at Pax right before he left.

"Alright follow me and stay close it's easy to get lost." we slowly start to follow Four down the hallways taking twists and turners every which way. I see by what he meant about getting lost easily. This place is a maze. As I look around at everyone else and they all have the same looks; we are going to get lost.

Four had first led us to the dinner hall where everyone eats; he then led us through the corridors passing some members and their apartments till we got to the infirmary.

"Some of you might want to remember where this is because you will come here a lot throughout initiation."

From there he showed us where the training room is at for tomorrow and then kept walking until we were looking down into a busy ditch.

"This is the pit the heart of dauntless." Four gestures behind him.

Looking down you could see bars, shops and even a fight ring on the far end. I could see a tattoo parlor off in the distance making a mental note to check it out later. Four then starts leading us down a dim hallway and you could hear the rush of running water in the distance. We come to a stop at a bridge that had nothing below it but the roaring water at the bottom.

"This is the Chasm." Four explained "try not to fall in, we don't really want to fish you out."

"Don't get pushed in while you're at it." we hear from behind us scaring a couple of people. While looking at Eric a few shutter at the thought of getting pushed maybe even by him.

"Do a lot of people die because of the chasm?" A Erudite transfer asked a little Timid of the answer she might receive.

You could see them give a quick glance at each other before answering.

"Most people who fall are drunk or there were a couple accidents, but in your case most initiates either jump trying to end it instead of continuing or ... get pushed, but you all should be fine. So ... moving on." Four admitted before he swiftly kept walking, moving everyone along, but as I crossed the bridge I slowly looked down, examining the chasm and all the dark secrets lurking behind it. The bridge was only railed on one side leaving the other side open to the eerie chasm that could take in a blink of an eye.

"Scared Amity." I feel him whisper behind me.

Turning to look into those ice blue eyes with the same emotions swimming in them as the raging chasm below us.

"No just wondering what secrets a dark place like this might hold." shrugging my shoulders keeping the eye contact that we had.

"Maybe it's safer if you never find out."he told me with a distant look, but then his face grew hard .

"Stop falling behind Initiate keep up." he let out annoyed.

Turning around I noticed that the group was almost out of sight. I hurried to catch up to them before I got lost. Four had led us to our last spot where we will be living for the next ten weeks.

"This is where you will be for the remainder of your initiation hope you feel right at home." four opens the door leading to a room that looks like a cellar lined with beds. Taking a look behind four you can see the open bathrooms nothing to block people's eyes except a small shower curtain.

"Is this for the boys or girls."a candor girl asked

"Both so get comfortable you guys are about to get a lot closer." he said with a smirk.

All you can hear is the boys catcalls and the girls groans realizing that we have to do everything in front of each other.

"Keep your hands to yourselves, you are here to be soldiers not cause problems for everyone else here." Eric yells from the door giving the boys a cold look. "Now get changed and make your way to dinner." he tells us before he left.

Four explained we get to choose a bed and they have some clothes prepared for us to wear then as we leave to bring our old clothes. I rip my red dress off my body happy to get the tattered fabric off and pick up the clothes that were prepared for us as I'm about to put my pants on. I noticed the girls weren't getting dressed and I could hear the guys whistling. They were getting dressed but were waiting for the girls so they could stare at them like they were with me, but i don't care it's normal in amity to show skin so none of this is shocking for me. I put on my last boot and made my way out in the hall where they had a basket to throw your old faction clothes; throwing them in without even thinking twice I made my way to dinner to start my new life.

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